Chapter 7

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Early dawn shown through the room waking Abigail from the best sleep it seemed she has ever had. Stretching she noticed she had no aches or pains from the bed. She blinked and looked around her. She wasn't in her bed. She was even still in her dress from the day before. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and sat up. The room was more beautiful in the morning light. Than it was by the fire if that is even possible. The warm purples now seemed to take on a lighter air with the cream color accents. She thought they would seal the contract but she must have fallen asleep when she laid down on the bed. How embarrassing. What must he think of her. Surely he is upset.

She got up from the bed and stirred the coals in the fireplace. The room had a chill in the air. Mother nature still refused to let winter go. She added more coal and stroked it till she had a good fire going. Not being someone that would snoop, yet she would consider herself somewhat curious. That curiosity led her to search every drawer, nook and cranny of the room. What she found stunned her. The jewelry box already possessed the most beautiful gems she had ever seen. Which wasn't hard for she rarely seen even one in her whole life. The armour was stuffed with the most amazing gowns of every color and fabric.

As she closed the last drawer of silk stockings and chemises the door opened and a young woman walked in unannounced. Startled Abigail let out a shriek. Quickly covering her mouth with her hand she hoped her face wasn't as red as she felt. Lowering her head she gave the girl a sheepish smile.

"Good morning, ma'am. Your Grace, has asked me to be your ladies maid while you are with us. I hope that is to your agreement." She curtsied and remained that way waiting for a reply.

At the mention of the agreement Abigail was stunned momentarily. "Yes, that would be fine."

The girl smiled and came forward. "My name is Edith, ma'am."

"I'm Abigail Willhoite. What exactly do you do?" She understood that her mother's family came from a long line of proud lady's maids but depending on the house one worked for a ladies maid could end up doing all kinds of things for her mistress.

Edith giggled at her. "Your Grace, did say you were a funny one."

Abigail furrowed her brow. Funny? Whatever did she mean by that. "I beg your pardon." Crossing her arms over her chest she waited. She found nothing funny in her questions or actions.

Edith sobbered and hastily apologized. "Miss Willhoite, I do not mean to offend. Your Grace told me that you were not the typical lady of the house. That you might need some assistance."

"Yes, I'm sure he did." Abigail tried to reassure her with a smile. Her stomach growled just then causing Abigail to blush. "I seem to be getting quite hungry. I will leave you to your duties while I find some breakfast." She made to move past Edith towards the door.

"Ma'am you cannot leave like that. My duties are to see you properly dressed for every occasion and that includes the morning meal."

"I have no other clothes with me to change into so these will have to do." She lifted the skirt of her dress.

"Your Grace, has taken care of everything." Edith moved to the armour and pulled out a day dress it was a pale lavender cotton with ruffles that adorned the sleeves and skirt. The neckline was trimmed with lace ruffles and the bodice came quite farther down than any gown she had ever wore. Abigail continued to stare at the gown as Edith pulled out the undergarments and a barque. Edith laid everything out atop the bed and smiled at the gorgeous outfit she pieced together.

Abigail walked over and felt each item between her fingers amazed at the silky texture.

"Come on then. Let's get you dressed so you can eat."

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