Chapter 9

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Anna paced in her setting room as her two daughters watched her unsure of what to say to put her at ease. They knew it was best to let out some anger out before they approached any subject. She continued and mumbled to herself then stepped in front of both of them. "How could he?" Without waiting for a reply she continued making a path in the rug she walked across.

Arabella being the youngest was the most outspoken between the two getting away with most everything. She had no qualms to give her opinion when it wasn't needed or wanted. "I think she is rather pretty."

Clara glared at her. Their mother stopped in mid step turning towards Arabella with a look of shock. "How could you say such a thing when you know how I feel about this situation he has put us all in."

"I just don't see what the issue is, mother." Anabella folded her hands on her lap innocently and gave her a look that was advanced for her eighteen years.

"Issue!" Anna screeched. Her hand flew to her chest shocked at her own raised voice. Taking a deep breath she came to a chair opposite to both girls. Composing herself before she continued. "He has brought a trollop and her whole family under our roof and is flaunting her in front of us. Knowing full well he should be in London searching for a wife." She spat the last part out still trying to hold herself in check.

"I would have to agree that was quite a shock." Clare finally chimed in.

"Not to me, he always seems to find them rather quickly." Anabella smiled sweetly, until Clara nudged her in the ribs. Which made Anabella make a most unlady like grunt.

"Well, I will not stand for it." Anna stood up looking down at her daughters. "We will find a way to put and end to it and get him to London and a bride. You both will help me." She didn't ask them, but told them of her plans to rid them of Abigail Willhoite.

Clara agreed readily if only to keep her mother at peace. While Arabella was hesitant to upset her brother but agreed to get her mother off the subject for the time being.

. . .

The search of the Willhoite's farm turned up nothing for them to identify Abigail. It did however provide a few items that they were able to sell to acquire information from the townsfolk. The first few people questioned didn't know who she was and they seemed to keep asking the wrong people. When they spent most of the day getting nowhere Gus was about to mount his horse to find lodging for the evening when he saw a boy helping a local business with its deliveries. He waved the boy down.

"Hey Kid!" Gus shouted at the boy.

Billy turned and noticed him. He stopped and awaited for the man to approach him. "Yes, sir?"

"Do you happen to make deliveries all over the village?"

"Yes, sir."

Gus smiled. This could be the person they were looking for. "Have you ever taken anything out to the Willhoite farm?"

Billy perked up at the mention of the Willhoite's. "Yes, sir."

"Well, I went out to the farm and Miss Willhoite wasn't there today. I was hoping to catch her in town, do you happen to know what she looks like?"

Billy beamed happy to be of some service to the newcomer in town. "She is this tall." He raised his hand a few inches shorter than himself. "Dark brown hair usually kept in a braid down her back, smokey grey eyes." Billy was wistful as he thought of Abigail.

"Thanks kid." Gus flips him a shrilling for his information. Billy cracked another smile at the man. "Thank you, sir." He pocketed it and hurried with the package he needed to deliver.

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