Chapter 11

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The room filled with more household guests wanting to know what had happened. Stefan stood beside the fireplace leaning casually against it. Anna settled across from Abigail with a look of indifference to the situation. Both Clara and Anabella were not among the group and no one made any mention of their absence.

William was unsure of what to do as he sat beside Abigail. He patted her on the shoulder in what he hoped looked consoling. The look he received from the Duke made him pull his hand away from her. If he knew any better he would say the Duke was a jealous man. He decided to remove himself to a different chair.

Matthew sat down in the now vacant seat beside Abigail and took her into his arms. No one said anything as Abigail began to calm down. She noticed that everyone in the room seemed rather uncomfortable so she wiped her eyes on the offered handkerchief from the constable and folded her hands in her lap.

Matthew struck up a conversation with the constable. "Why was Abigail a target?" He didn't want to know. Right now he hated himself for being a Duke, if he wasn't then Abigail wouldn't be a target. He had a deep need to keep her safe. He waited, knowing it had to be some connection to him.

"It seems William here was part of the plan and had a change of heart before going through with it. He is the true hero today. Why don't you explain the situation to Abigail. I'm sure she will be most intrigued."

All eyes turned to William putting him on the spot. He wasn't sure how he was going to start or how much of the story he was going to reveal.

"It's true I was with those two but not on my own violations. You see, my name is William Tinker. My father, Baron George Septhon has enlisted men to track down his long lost daughter. Most men have already died in the search for he has placed a large amount of money in the one that returns her."

Everyone in the room was watching Abigail to gauge her reaction. Yet, she remained motionless. Abigail stared at Anna whom remained aloft as if she was there for a casual tea. When their eyes met she seen the gleam in Anna's eyes and could have sworn she saw a slight smirk play across her face. It made Abigail's blood boil. Anna had to be behind it all, it just didn't make any sense. William continued breaking Abigail's thoughts.

"I was tracking those two to find her before they could, but I was found out before we ever made it to Kentmoor. I had to lie and state I was also enlisted to find her. Even heard they were going to get my share by killing me after we handed her over to our father."

"My father is dead!" Abigail blurted out. The room fell silent as they watched Abigail as tears clouded her eyes.

Matthew patted her hands but she pulled away from his touch. She missed his pained expression he gave her. His mother on the hand did not. The look she gave them both would have made them burst into flames. Matthew turned to William hoping he could shed more light on the situation to console Abigail.

"Are you saying that Abigail is the daughter to Baron Septhon." He knew of the Baron and his notorious behavior within the ton. He wasn't happy that Abigail's name was being tied to him.


"What proof do you have?" Matthew was not convinced that William isn't still involved in something. 

"Only my word, your Grace."

Matthew nodded. He wasn't sure if they should take this man at his word. He did acknowledge that he was involved with the kidnapping. There was something about the man that Matthew just didn't like. He seemed out of place for a Baron's bastard son. He squirmed like a worm in the chair as though he was unsure of himself. It could also be his hooded brown eyes that reminded him of a rat. Both William and Abigail had the same hair color but the similarities ended there.

"Why is the Baron just now searching for his daughter?"

"I was wondering the same thing." The constable added.

William shifted in his chair. Matthews eyes narrowed on him. "I rather not like being the bearer of bad news. The Baron has become gravely ill and wants to make amends with Abigail before he passes."

Everyone seemed to take that as a good reason to seek redemption for any wrongdoing. Everyone except Abigail. She stood with fists clenched at her sides she stared at the floor as tears rolled down her cheeks in silence.

"My father has died and now you kidnap me to take me to a different one because he is dying, too!" She choked back a sob as she ran from the room.

Matthew stood to go after her but the constable grabbed his arm to stop him. "She has been through enough today. Give her some time to process it."

He showed the constable out promising to keep in touch with any new news that might shed more light on the situation regarding William's story. While he was gone his mother had left the room and William was shown a room upstairs.  Upon returning only Stefan remained in the parlor. Stefan finally moved from the fireplace and followed Matthew from the room down the fall to his study where Stefan poured a brandy for the both of them and settled across the large expanse of the oak desk. He watched as Matthew buried his face in his hands, the stress of the day finally showing. Matthew finally broke the silence.

"William was very adamant that she return to London with him to meet the Baron Septhon herself before his passing." Matthew had a sinking feeling that wouldn't be wise but had no proof that he had committed any act against her.

"According to William they are family." Stefan pointed out. "That means she could be a titled daughter if the Baron has no other legitimate children from his marriage to claim his estate." He watched his friend suspiciously.

A light shone in Matthews eyes. If Abigail was indeed the daughter of a Baron he could then consider marriage to her. The idea took root and brought a smile to his face.

Stefan watched the realization of the fact play across Matthew's face. He knew what he was thinking and it wasn't going to be easy for him. He almost felt sorry for him. Almost.  He smiled into his glass.

. . .

Abigail ran to her room. Tears streamed down her cheeks blurring her vision. She wasn't aware if anyone saw her for she didn't care how she looked. She let out everything that she was holding back as she threw herself on top of the bed. She did not notice Edith in the room who was lying out her evening gown for later.

Edith watched with concern as Abigail continued to cry into her pillow. She walked over to the bed and sat next to her. Even in the short time that they have known each other she has felt like they are kindred spirits. She didn't know what has upset her mistress but she patted her back and said soothing words to her.

Abigail quieted down and smiled at her from under teared soaked lashes. She didn't need to explain anything to Edith and yet she still cared enough to sit with her. She did find herself explaining what happened that morning up to the part where she ran away to her room.

Edith sat in silence listening. When Abigail was finished and watched Edith contemplate what had happened.

"Sounds like you have a whole new family, that have gone to great lengths to find you, and to top it off you are a daughter of a Baron. To me that means you have a title if he recognizes you as a daughter." Edith was so straight forward that Abigail shot up in bed.

"A Baron's daughter!" Her mouth fell open. She had been so upset that that fact didn't even register until now. A title would mean that Matthew could choose her. She scrambled out of bed. "I must find out if he is telling the truth."

Edith being of sound mind calmed her with a logical approach to the situation. "You have had a very trying morning. It would do you some good to rest." She patted the bed. For being so young Edith treated her like a mother more than a friend. Abigail hadn't had that in a while and it felt good to let someone else take control.

"Maybe I should." Abigail curled up on the bed and Edith tucked her in.

"I will have your dinner brought to your room. It will be understandable that you do." Edith swiped her hand over the covers removing the invisible wrinkles. "Don't worry I will take care of everything. She left the room to let Abigail rest.

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