Chapter 15

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My body still aches but at least the poison is out of my system now, Simon was a better pack doctor than I'd thought. I had barely gotten dressed into the oversized shirt and shorts that reeked of Gavin and scarfed down a meal before the questions started coming rapid fire from every direction. "Where is your pack then?" Micah raised critically. "I don't have a pack, I never did." I shrug my answer back. "Are you a rogue?" Colton asked uncertainly with a frown. "H*** No, and for you information I hate the bloodthirsty b*******s even more than you because I've dealt with them more than any of you could ever imagine." I growled back. 

"It shows, you ripped both of them to pieces, and they think I'M nasty in a fight." Beck huffed out. "If you're not from a pack and you're not a rogue, then what are you?" Jason puzzled out as his electric blue eyes watched me intently, I forced myself to stay calm even though I knew this was the part that could get messy fast. "She's a nomad." Asher muttered as I met his studying gaze, he didn't seem to be completely against that fact. "Ash you and I both know what it's like out there, a she wolf couldn't handle that kind of..." Gavin trailed off pitifully as he sent an anxious glance towards me, it wasn't sunshine and rainbows but I made it work.

 "The SHE WOLF can hear you Streaks, and it's not exactly impossible just unlikely." I growled softly back at them, he winced as he realized I didn't appreciate him putting down my ability to survive alone. "So we have a female nomad on our turf, unattached to any packs and with a strong dislike for rogues?" Bowen raised above the others, his tone silenced the room as I met his gaze head on. "Yeah, and a fairly strong dislike for packs like yours, after all I've dealt with my fair share of those too." I rumbled back, I saw them tense at my threat. 

"You are injured pretty bad, do you still pose a threat to my pack?" Bowen demanded. "Only if you strike first, even if I'm injured I can still fight to defend myself." I replied firmly as they all studied me silently a moment. "We helped you, why would we pose a threat?" Simon frowned out. "Look at it from my perspective, a lone injured female surrounded by 12 uninjured and posturing males that she hasn't known for more than a week. I don't trust you and you don't trust me, that can get dangerous really quick. It doesn't matter that you helped me I've been helped by others only to have to kill them when they turned on me, so yes you very much pose a threat." I answered in a cold and clipped tone as they sent a look to each other.

 "You don't seem very threatening yourself." Beck scoffed out. "Well yeah I'm injured right now so your wolves automatically want to care for and protect the injured female on their land, until my wounds heal your wolf halves won't have much interest in anything aggressive when it comes to me. The same way that none of you were affected by me being completely naked earlier, your wolves will not let you focus on anything other than keeping me safe until my wounds heal." I murmured lowly. "So what happens when your wounds heal?" Daniel asked softly and I turned towards where he stood in the doorway. 

"Well then your wolves will either try to claim me as part of your pack, or kill me for trespassing. For your sakes I hope it's the former rather than the latter, because you boys seem far more tollerable than wolves I've met in the past." I stated clearly. "So basically when your wounds heal we will try to kick you out, or get you to join us?" Tucker voiced uncertainly. "More or less yes, but there's also something else that I'm sure your alpha is smart enough to have figured out by now?" I raised my question to Bowen as the others looked to him expectantly. 

"My mother is a wolf so I've heard the stories, males fighting and killing each other to win the prized female. My parents didn't go through that though, I thought the stories were rumors mostly." Bowen shrugged back. "Oh they're real alright. Did you ever ask your mother about her life before meeting your father?" I voice carefully. "No, she doesn't talk much about before they met." Bowen narrowed his eyes at me and my implications. "Every she wolf has a story, whether she's got a male at her side or she's a lone wolf like me, every single one. It might be a story of how she met her partner, or how she fought to stay alive, but even though we're few in number we all have a story like the one's you've heard." I murmur out as I close my eyes to block the images flashing behind them, some have more than others.

 "What's your story?" Emmett puzzled out softly as I let my eyes meet his slowly. "There's not enough time in the world to tell you my stories." I sigh softly as I glance towards the window my wolf stirring slightly beneath my skin. "Why did you come here for our help if you don't trust us, if we're such a huge threat to you?" Micah grumbled angrily. "I didn't have any other choice outside of dying in my bathtub." I scoff back at him. "Well since no one else has asked the big question I guess I will, what happened out there?" Fletcher whispered to me and I smiled sadly to the pup, he really was too precious for all of this.

 "I told you I don't dwell on my past, what I didn't tell you was it has a strong habit of dwelling on me. I can't tell you about it now, I won't, because right now you pose almost as much of a threat as they do." I state clearly. "What can you tell us then?" Beck ground out. "That powerful people want me back and they don't care what they have to do or who they have to kill to get to me. They sent three rogues with poison darts, I killed two and severely wounded the third that shot me and ran off. That was three or four days ago now, if he's not dead then they know where I am and they will send more for me." I puffed out.

 "Any rogue that comes on our land won't leave here alive." Beckett snarled. "Are you sure about that, I mean I got away with marking up your front porch and I did that without backup." I snort softly as they gawk at me. "It was you!?" Gavin snaps out and I shrug. "Not the point here Streaks. The thing is these people taught me a lot of what I know and if they come here, they will kill you. The way I see it is if we've got any chance to wipe them out we'll have to fight them together, you need my help as much as I need yours." I breathed out slowly as I let the information sink in. 

"We're the strongest pack around and your just a puny injured she wolf, how can you help us?" Micah laughed in my face and I snarled at his smirk. "Ask that again in a few days when my wounds are healed and I'll be more than happy to show you." I snapped back at him. "And if our wolves decide to turn against you?" Bowen commanded silence once more as we stared each other down for a few tense and silent moments. "We'll face that battle when we come to it. Now if you don't mind I would like to go home to my pets and get some rest." I said as I headed for the door until Colton stepped in the way to stop me, getting a raised brow from me for his troubles. 

"What's to say you won't run off and leave us to deal with your problems?" He voiced coldly, I fought to keep my features neutral as my hackles raised beneath my skin. "I'm not scared of any of you, so what reason do I have to run from those b*******s when I've already killed more of them then I care to admit?" I raised back just as cold, that shut him up quick. "I'll keep in touch by texting Gavin after I find my phone, so don't come sniffing around just because you think you can. I'll meet you all back here once my wounds are healed and we can figure out what happens next, until then stay the h*** off my property." I snapped before I limped out to my car. As I drove towards home I could see all of them standing on the porch as they watched me leave, I only hoped the reunion went half as good as the departure.

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