Chapter 90

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"How bad is the she wolf, realistically what are her chances?" I voiced what we were all thinking to the head man here, I think his name was Jerry but I wasn't really paying much attention to him. "Slim to none if I'm being realistic. The poison is attacking her body so quickly and it's already affecting her brain, it would be a miracle if she pulled through right now. In all honesty if the drug we gave her to counteract dome of the symptoms doesn't seem to be working we won't be able to take her into surgery, she's just not stable enough." He muttered nervously, news he no doubt did not want to deliver to her protectors inside her room.

 "Is there anything that might help her stabalize so you can work on her?" Kasen murmured lowly to Jerry's frown. "It all comes back to the poison really, if there was just some way to counteract it or clear it from her system quicker, but nothing we're doing is working to the extent we need it too." Jerry pales as the pups file out to join us in the hall, most of them still have tears in their eyes. Seeing them like that makes me want to run home to Mads and hold her close, if we were in their shoes right now I wouldn't be nearly as calm as they seemed. 

"Wait what if there was a possible antidote to it, if they made it in that place and tested it out they had to have a reversal of some sort." Kasen turns to me and suddenly I understand what he means, the girls. "They insisted we take some stuff with us before we blew that place to h*** where it belonged, maybe those vials..." I trailed off as everyone perked up to our conversation. "What vials, who insisted, tell us!?" Beck grabs the color of my shirt and gives it a shake. I shove him off as gently as possible, he's lucky I know he's just desperately worried right now or that action would have got him killed. 

"Sidney texted us two places when she made the plans, the pit building where you were and the location of the lab they had kept her for all those years. Kairo and Wes set up your building and the rest of us went to the lab location, it was a rescue mission so we needed Kasen with us. We killed the guards and the scientists and went down to where she told us the cages would be." Nate explains hurriedly. 

"That was where we found four females caged, one just a pup no older than 10, the other three in their late teens and early twenties, one was in really bad shape. It took us a while to convince them we were there to help and then the one that seemed to be in charge insisted on grabbing some things from the lab on our way out. She gave one of the vials to her sick friend right away and grabbed a lot more while we set the place to blow, her friend died before we made it back, she was just too weak. The other three are staying in your she wolf's cabin she told us to leave the survivors there." I add just as rushed, there isn't time to waste right now. 

"We have to go get the vials then!" Beck barked out in panic. "The females are still very nervous around strangers Kasen and I will go with one of you to get the vial we need, who is your fastest wolf, we'll get there and back quicker without the cars?" I asked the group, Beck was this first to step forward but he hesitated. "I really want to go with you but I'm not the fastest, Daniel is our best runner in human and wolf form he's got the stamina and speed to get Sid the stuff quickest." Beck gritted out painfully, he was pushing back his pride to do what was best for their she wolf, he was a lot braver than he knew. 

"You think you can run it?" Nate voiced to the pup. "I have to, for Sid." Daniel nodded firmly, sending a glance back to her room, he didn't want to leave her. "We'll be back as quickly as we can, do what you can to keep her stable until then." I barked towards a nervous Jerry who nodded silently back as the three of us rushed outside to the forest, it was time to run.

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