Chapter 44

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So apparently we were heading to Montana today. The boys had given me the news at dinner the night before after I had Spartan introduce himself properly to Sassy, without viewing her as his next meal. She still didn't seem happy to have him around but she trusted me to keep her safe so she ignored him for the most part. The idiots had tried to convince me my pets were not allowed to travel with us it took less than an hour to make them change their minds and agree my three canines could tag along and Bowen's parents would watch Sassy here. I was quick to pack up my bags of things both for my pets and myself before heading to bed.

 I was a little worried about my job until the boys informed me that they had fill ins to take care of the sanctuary while we were away training. Now here I was loading up into Simon's grey 2007 Ford Explorer with my fur babies, Simon, Asher, Beck, and Fletcher. The others had split up between two other vehicles, considering the fact we were all a little cramped without them. The place we were going to in Montana was a 24 hour drive away and instead of buying a plane ticket for everyone the guys insisted on driving. They had eventually agreed that we would make a stop at a half way point to rest for the night before the last leg of our little journey, I just wanted to get it over with. 

We left Cora and Frank at 11am as we headed out with me sandwiched between Beck and Ash with the dogs whining in the back behind us, and do began the long and tasking ride. We stopped for food and bathroom breaks but were always in a hurry to move out again since the boys were all on edge outside their territory. I started to count the seconds until the next pit stop considering the ride itself was boring for the most part, I even drifted off a little at times out of sheer boredom. It was 11pm when we finally reached the chosen half way point and picked out a spot to set up camp for the night at a rest stop. 

The boys made a fire in one of the fire pits and we scarfed down a quick meal before laying out under the stars, it was a comfortable night tonight with no bad weather in sight. The boys were all on edge still about the whole way out of their territory thing and it was starting to get a bit annoying that every little found had them jumpy. "Just chill out and get some sleep already, Tyson and Ollie will alert if there's any danger around." I growled out at them tiredly. 

"How do you know that?" Micah rolled his shoulders tersely. "Because this isn't our first time sleeping in the open on turf that's not our own, they will keep watch for tonight, now shut up and sleep without all your nervous twiches." My yawn was delivered as I shut my eyes snuggling myself against Spartan's side, using him for a pillow. There was total silence for a while before I heard the boys settling down to rest, finally with some peace and quiet I allowed myself to do the same.


The night passed quickly despite everyone being on edge, it was shocking how at ease the little she wolf was. I really had no reason to be surprised considering how her first introduction to us as a wolf had been to scent mark our front porch. The way she stated it wasn't her first time in enemy territory made me wonder just how she knew those mutts of hers would alert of any danger, but it wasn't hard to believe. The way they growled at any of us approaching until Sid said it was okay, I had a feeling they wouldn't let any harm come to her as long as they were by her side. 

We were all pretty tired from the long drive so eventually we did get some sleep, when I woke up the next morning the rest of the guys were awake and watching over a still sleeping she wolf. There was also some coffee and fresh breakfast that a few of the guys had gone to get and brought back for the rest of us. "She looks a lot more peaceful when she's sleeping." Fletch sighed from his seat by our dying campfire. He was right her features weren't nearly as tense as she slept on her wolf dog pillow, Spartan didn't look eager to move anytime soon either. "A lot less irritating too." Neck grunted lowly in agreement.

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