Chapter 51

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Okay so I was 1000% certain the scary pack beta was trying to kill us, either that or he'd taken C.Gs words to heart about being tougher on us but it seemed more the former than the latter. "Should we get down and try to help distract him or something?" Fletch asked as we both watched the fighting from our perch in a nearby tree. It might not have been the manliest thing to do escaping into the trees but when a big scary beta is gunning for you, you book it up the nearest exit no matter how weak it makes you look. "I'm sure they'll be fine, he wouldn't actually kill them." At least I certainly hope not. "Besides they have ten to one odds and we'd only get in the way." I scoffed over to him, I also didn't want to get myself knocked out or worse this morning. 

Sure Kairo was keeping watch from the porch and yelling out encouragement from time to time but he chose to let us fend for ourselves mostly. Even with all the guys going after Denzel at once he was still holding his own, he did have a few bloody cuts and scrapes himself now but they didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. I winced when Tucker was thrown into the base of our tree and choked out a whine, that one hurt. "You okay Tuck?" Fletch called down. "Peachy, either of you cowards got the guts to join us, or maybe let me join you?!" The last part was so soft you almost couldn't hear it over the snarls and growls of the others. 

"Gav, we have to help him." The look that pup boy Fletcher gave me had me groaning back at him. "Fine." I hissed as we slipped down the tree to help Tuck to his feet. The fact he was leaning most of his weight on me showed how exhausted and in pain he was as we led him over to the porch where Kairo was standing. "Well you can still walk so that's a good sign." The third remarked towards us. "For now." Tuck grunted back as he sat on the steps with a hiss of pain. "It won't be this bad all the time Den just needs to work off some things before he calms down." Kairo shrugged. "Work off... he's been beating us all into the ground for two hours!" Micah howled out as he ran past with the very beta right behind him in hot pursuit. 

"Never a good idea to turn your back on the enemy pup!" Denzel snapped back as Bowen and Colt tackled him with their combined weight. They were able to wrestle him down for a little bit but the over powering male was still able to break their hold and throw them off to the side, he seemed ready to snap their necks when an unlikely savior called him off. "Den, Nate says that's enough for now we need the Shaw pack alive and inside right now! We've got a bit of a situation involving their she wolf that we need their help with!" Wesley called as he rushed out to join us, stopping everyone in their track to focus on him.

 "What kind of a situation?" Bowen huffed through his panting. "The furry kind." Wes stated as he jogged back inside, leaving us to follow at our own pace. "Best go see what he's on about, come on pups." Denzel followed and the rest of us trailed after him wearily. I don't know what we were all expecting when we stepped into the house but I doubt it was finding the crazy girl herself in wolf form curled up with the packs youngest pup on their living room couch and growling at anyone that tried to come near her. "What in the... what's going on in here?" Simon exclaimed in surprise. "Your little she wolf has staked a claim on our sick pup." Alvarado answered with a frown as she pinned her ears and bared her teeth at him with a soft snarl. "Uh, what?" I voiced my own confusion.

 "Stan has a fever and a horrible hacking cough, which has had all of us in a mood today. Sidney came up this morning and helped get him to sleep but when Kasen gave the little guy a shot it made him wake up wailing his little lungs out." Wesley stated. "Her reaction was so instantaneous that I barely had time to get out of the way as she shifted and had a go at snapping at me, she brought him down here an hour ago and hasn't let anyone but Mads near her and the kid since, and Madison is refusing to take him away from her." Kasen growled out. "She's making my baby feel better and as long as she lets me help feed him and be near him then I'm not taking him away from the one person in here that's making his pain go away." Madison snapped back at him softly.

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