Chapter 39

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*A long some time later*

"Chan, we need to talk" Mel said as soon he walked through the door.

Jeongin froze, feeling like a deer in the headlights. "Um..I'll just...go" he said awkwardly taking a few steps back.

Due to their different schedules, Chan finished his classes first but he never missed a day to pick up Jeongin from his.

The two were going to have a chill day, cuddling on Chan's bed and watching a movie before it turned into a make out session. But their plans were interrupted when they saw Mel sitting on her bed looking rather impatient.

"No baby, stay" Chan pleaded taking hold of Jeongin's hand. Jeongin smiled sweetly.

"I would love to but this seems serious" Jeongin stated, his eyes flickering towards Mel who seemed anxious.

Chan sighed obviously not wanting the younger to leave but he knew no amount of begging would help.

"Okay, call you later?" Chan asked. Jeongin nodded giving Chan a peck on the lips before leaving.

"What is it Mel?" Chan sighed once more laying on his own bed.

"It's been two months already" She stated.

"I'm getting there"

"iM gEttInG tHerE" She mocked, "Chan your one year anniversary is in a week. You need to tell him"

"I'm trying" Chan stated trying to defend himself.

"You're trying?"

"Yes..everytime I try to tell him something comes up or I chicken out"

"You are such an asshole" Mel said giving a fake laugh.

"Chan, do you really love him?" She suddenly asked.

"What? Of course I do!" Chan quickly sat up, glaring at her.

"Then why? Why hurt him like that?"


"He really loves you Chan. Whenever he comes by and you're not here, he always tells me how much he loves you. He rants on and on about everything you guys did together, all the fun you guys have with and with out your friends. He wants- scratch that, needs you in his future. And you're really going to through that away, like that?"

The guilt spread through Chan's body making a heavy weight fall on his chest and he felt like crying.

He loved Jeongin, he really did. But he didnt think that what he was doing was going to hurt the younger badly.

But Chan being a complete asshole and a dick and hard headed even though he is a totally sweetheart irl and this is just a fanfiction, he did the only thing he could think of.

Pin the blame on someone else.

"Well it was your fault too"

"Chan you sound like a five year old, How is it my fault if I'm not the one who is betraying their loved one? Remember not only are you about to hurt Jeongin, you hurt me" Mel stated.

Chan sighed and fell back onto his bed.

"I'm tired of sitting around watching Jeongin be head over heels for an ass like you. Your anniversary is in a week then I'm giving you a week. And if you dont fess up then its ruined."

"You're really not going to expose me on my own anniversary?" Chan asked in disbelief.

"No" Mel gave a dry laugh. Standing up and heading towards the door.

"Unlike you I actually care about Jeongin's feelings. I'll tell him the day before, yeah?" She asked before leaving not giving Chan the chance to answer.


"Hey Jimin, can we talk?" Jeongin asked when he entered the room.

"Um sure" Jimin said closing his book and setting it on the nightstand along with his glasses. He patted the space in front of him.

Jeongin smiled and took off his shoes before sitting on the bed.

"You look so sad, what's wrong?" Jimin asked noticing the youngers sad demeanor.

"I think I'm overreacting but I feel like Chan is hiding something from me" Jeongin stated.

"Aww baby, come here" Jimin cooed opening his arms. Jeongin crawled over him, snuggling into his chest as the two cuddled.

"Now, tell me why you think your mans is hiding something? Do I have to slap a hoe?" Jimin asked.

Jeongin giggled, "No. Its just..remember when we saw him and his roommate arguing?"

"Hm yeah"

"Well, I dont think they solved their problem. Even though they try to be nice to each other when I'm around, it comes out forced." Jeongin explained.

After taking in the information, Jimin finally spoke.

"Well then why dont you ask Chan, see what's going on?" Jimin suggested.

Jeongin sighed, "I tried. He got visibly sad and upset and changed the subject so I never brought it up again. I hate seeing him sad"

"Aww, dont worry. I'm sure he'll tell you when the time is right" Jimin said trying to comfort the boy.

"You sure?"

"Positive. In the mean time while we wait for your lover boy, let's watch a movie and cuddle"

"That's gay"

"Jeongin shut the fuck up"

"I was joking jeez, I'll go get the snacks"

"See, we understand each other, we communicate and that's why we're soulmates" Jimin exaggerated taking out his laptop.

"We're not soulmates" Jeongin said from the small kitchen.

"Then why is my name soulmate in your phone?" Jimin asked.

"Your name is not sou-"

Jeongin stopped midsentence when he saw Jimin holding up his phone and showing him the contact.

To which Jeongin, did in fact, put Jimin under soulmate.

"Okay, yeah, whatever" Jeongin said playfully rolling his eyes.

"You love me Jeongin just admit it" Jimin said teasingly.

"Yeah yeah, start the movie" Jeongin said laughing walking over with the snacks in hands.

The two watched a series of movies, Jeongin's mood quickly lightening up, forgetting about the whole situation with Chan.

Heres a cute picture of Chan and Jeongin that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!

Heres a cute picture of Chan and Jeongin that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!

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