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I got Maya off me and we walked towards the exit when I we heard a grunt and someone hitting the floor. Maya and I turned around to see that George had hit Henry hard enough to knock him down.

"George what wrong with you? Why did you hit him?" I was very confused.

"He got me mad. Aj you should have heard what he said!"

" What did you say Henry?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Your lying Henry, I didn't hit you for no reason. Tell her what you said!"

"I just said that Sarah deserved to die, she mentioned HIM, what do you expect."

"Oh my gosh Henry, why!" Maya didn't really know what to say but when she said this tears formed in her eyes again.

"It was her fault!"

A whole argument between the four of them was getting louder and louder after every word.

"STOPPPP!!!" I yelled, "why are you guys arguing we are close friends, we are not supposed to be fighting."

"Ya well one of us has gone insane!"

"Stop George, I don't want my birthday to end our friendship, I already lost a piece of my heart I don't want to lose another."

We all agreed to play the silent game until we reached the car.

It felt like hours to reach where we thought the car was, but we were just going in circles.

We were lost.

"Thanks George, because of your great navigating skills we lost the car!"

"Be quiet Henry, you don't know anything either."

We continued walking and when we reached what used to be the lunch tables we took a little snack break. I checked the bags and gave granola bars to everyone. Once George finished his he got up and walked alone to see the rest of the park.

I was getting a little worried because I haven't seen him so mad, especially at his best friend. Henry was freaking me out a little also, now him I've never seen like this before, it was almost as if he was a totally different person.

"We should look for George Aj."

"Okay, let's go Henry."

"Na, I'm okay, he deserves to die also. I bet you anything he doesn't believe in HIM either."

"Henry you really need to stop you're freakin me out, why are you being like this, you are never like this!!!"

"Maya calm down, I really don't care what you have to say."

"I'm sad to hear that, you used to be a good friend."

As Maya said this Henry's face was as it used to be, he was starting to feel different about the whole situation. He had changed for the better. Then all of a sudden his body shot straight up, he was once again his awful self. As he came down his laugh was an evil one.

He snapped his fingers and vanished. I was completely frightened. I tried to be calm about the whole situation for Maya but as I turned to see her she was gone.

All I was thinking was 'please don't leave me, please don't take them from me, I knew HE was behind everything just as he was the first time.'

"STOPPPP!!! I know you're behind this, leave them alone, I'm who you want."

There was no response.

Silence filled the air, I could hear the wind whispering at me, the trees telling me to get out from it's leaves and branches. The park was giving me proof that my friends and I are not alone, but being watched. The silence was shattered by the harsh sound of a female scream.

Automatically I knew who it was.

It was Maya.

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