04| State of the World

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I walked up to the front desk where a familiar face looked up and smiled, undoubtedly expecting me. "On time Diane, as always."

Considering the rehabilitation center was at the outside of Gotham City, I couldn't visit as much as I would prefer. But, every Friday at 10pm was the arrangement that Roy and I were both able to agree on. He's always told me that I didn't;t have to visit at all. Yet, the thought of doing that seemed impossible to me.

"Nice to see you to Harleen." I said as I signed the visiting sheet.

The sound of screaming instinctively made me turn around to see what was on T.V. It seemed that everyday the news was broadcasting another disaster in a different wart of the world.

"Once again the villain popularly known as the Joker has escaped Arkham Asylum and has began to start havoc on the streets of Gotham. As many of you know The Joker was born after the socialite Martha Wayne went insane after the murder of her..."

"I bet you're glad that you left Arkham." I commented, feeling a sense of frustration at the fact that I could do absolutely nothing about what was happening. Though The Batman always seemed to be able to capture The Joker. "Do remember a time when the world wasn't so chaotic?"

"Sugar, the world is a mess." Harleen stated, probably noticing the look on my face. "Did you hear the news this morning about the alien that escaped Lex Corp? As if the war between the Amazonians and the Atlanteans wasn't bad enough. I don't even remember what the world was like before all these supers."

I simply nodded not knowing if there was anything left to say. Although people continued to live their lives as normal as possible, everyone felt the looming darkness of the war that was threatening of destroying everything.

"He's already waiting in the visitors quarters." Harleen said as she handed me my visitors pass.

Regardless of the fact that I refused to stop visiting Roy, it was still painful to do it. Mostly, because seeing him here it was hard not to think about the time where everything was okay. Before Roy's addiction. Before the accident that caused it.

I could still remember the day vividly. And the feeling of being helpless to do anything. At the time more half of us had already died and we weren't nearly strong enough to fight him. We were never really strong enough. Even when he was just after Robert.

But all the negative thoughts I was having disappeared the moment I saw him. It was difficult not to run up to him, but what mostly made me hesitate was a sad look in his eyes.

Regardless he stood from the chair he was sitting in and went over to hug me.

I held on to him tightly not sure what seemed to be tormenting him, just last week he seemed you much better. He's been drug free for six months now. The longest he has been in years.

"What's wrong?" I questioned once he released me. My worry growing when I realized that he seemed to refuse to meet my eyes.

Roy looked up, with what was clearly meant to be a light hearted smile. But failed. "What makes you think that somethings wrong?"

"Because I know you."

"Exactly, just like you've always known that I've never been okay with you visiting me a frequently as you do."

Of course I've always know this. This is a conversation that is always being brought up every couple of weeks. I also know that I'm the only person that he has left. All our other friend have died or gone into hiding.

"Not this again Roy."

I reached out to take Roy's hands, but she shifted only allowing me to take one. No matter how much time has passed he still feels ashamed about him arm. "It isn't fair to you."

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