08| Come Together

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As we walked we all walked towards the Ramon Industries building I slowed down signaling Iris to follow my lead. Once Jade, Wally and Barry were out of hearing range I turned towards Iris ready to discuss what needed to be discussed.

"Do you trust him?" I asked her, though I already knew the answer. It was clear in her eyes.

"Yes." Iris replied as we both came to a stop, facing one another. She had to know that whatever it was that I wanted to say was important as she looked at me expectantly. "Don't you."

"He's hiding something." I stated crossing my arms over my chest, knowing that there was no easy way to say what I had to. Especially to Iris who was in many ways sheltered.

Iris nodded, clearly getting the same impression and of course she had to. She was an investigative reporter after all, but even this didn't seem to change her opinion on Barry. "I know."

"Say if his intentions are not as good as he says, what should we do about it?"

"What do you mean?" Iris questioned, clearly not picking up on what I was implying. I hoped she would, and that I wouldn't have to say it myself. However it seemed that I would have to be more forward that I would have hoped.

I put my hand in my jacket pockets, trying to think of the best way to explain this to her. "He knows who Wally and Jade are, that's dangerous. It makes him liability, and if his intentions are other, then that puts Wally and Jade in danger."

"Then what are we suggesting we do if that's the case?"

"If that's the case then we have to make sure he s no longer a liability." I replied, and Iris' eyes widened as the weight of what I was suggesting began to settle in.

For a moment she seemed speechless, but she was able to quickly gather her thought together. "Your saying you would kill him?"

For the most part Iris knew some aspects of my life. My working with the Green Arrow and being part of the Titans. Knew what it required for me to do sometimes, what she didn't know was about my growing up in the League of Assassins. "I'm saying that I can get someone to do that for me. I don't do that anymore Iris."

Crossing her arms over her chest Iris shook her head in response, no longer seeming shocked by the suggestion. "I don't think that's going to be necessary."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know how to explain it but, my whole life I've always felt that there was something missing." Iris attempted explaining her voice laced with an emotion that I couldn't quite place. "That feeling went away the moment I met him. Don't you feel the same?"

I studied her for a moment, attempting to understand her point of view. The truth was that I didn't. "No, I don't." I replied honestly. "But if you feel this strongly about him, then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

"And if it turns out that I'm wrong, then you do what you have to. Make sure Wally and Jade are safe." She stated with a new side of her that I had never seen before. A side that made me respect her a lot more than I did before.

I nodded before we both continued forward to catch up with the rest of the group. When we did reach them they were standing in the lobby, Barry was looking around the building like he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Didn't this used to be S.T.A.R. Labs?" Barry questioned as he looked back at us.

"Where have you been the past few years?" Iris asked in disbelief.

Jade looked at me with questioning eyes, having to find this new bit of information as suspicious as I did. I was glad to know that at least we were on the same page, even if the West siblings weren't. This situation making me wonder if my sister and I were simply paranoid or it was our training that made us question our surrounding more than most.

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