10| Hard Truths

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Learning The Rivals location seemed to bring a newfound excitement to the group. Even Dr. Snow who was a complete stranger seemed excited to be part of helping Central City. It was a feeling that almost confirmed that Barry was telling the truth when it came to us being a team in his timeline. Regardless of all our differences or the tensions that ran between some of us it almost felt natural to work together this way.

But, my earlier conversation with my sister still weighed heavily on me, because as I looked at her from across the room she seemed disconnected with everything and everyone.

I understood her fears, because I felt them too. But whatever happened in that other timeline that Barry was from didn't matter, this was our new reality. That wasn't going to change.

One thing quickly became clear though, that Wally still wasn't ready for this fight. The Rival proved to be a challenge for even Barry, who was a more experienced speedster. Wally's eagerness for the fight, was the reason I had continued to refuse to let him go after the more challenging metas. I should have voiced my concern before they left, but I trusted Barry to take care of the kid. I was wrong.

And maybe if I had spoken up, we wouldn't be in this situation. Wally wouldn't be in a coma and on the brink of death.

"Wally's vitals are low, and he's lost a lot of blood." Dr. Snow stated grimly, we were lucky that she was here. She was the only one in this room who had any sort of medical knowledge, and we couldn't risk taking Wally to the hospital.

Barry ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, seeming completely lost and confused. "He should be rapidly healing. It's one of the gifts of being a speedster."

"He's not. I'm sorry." Dr. Snow replied, sadly before turning to the rest of us. "Am I free to go?"

"Of course." I stated, knowing that in reality she shouldn't even be here. Barry literally kidnapped the poor women. "That you for your help."

She opened her mouth about to say something, but seemed to think better of it as she quietly left the room. We all stood there in silence watching over Wally, as if at any moment he would open his eyes.

"This is why I didn't want to get involved." Ramon declared as he began to walk out of the room. "Crime fighting sucks."

I turned towards my sister who was seated at the edge of the room in silence, seeming to want to keep as much distance between her and Wally as possible. Even from this distance I could see that her eyes were filled with tears, tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks at any moment.


"Don't." She declared as she roughly stood up, knocking down the chair that she was just seated in. Her sadness had instantly become anger, and I knew just how dangerous that could be. "I told you would change everything! I just didn't think he would fuck us all over."

Seeming to not even be able to be in the same room as Barry, Jade stormed out. Now it was only the Wests, Barry, and I that remained in a room that now seemed too big. I felt the pull to go after my sister and make sure that she was okay, but I didn't know what held me back that now I couldn't even seem to move.

"It's not your fault Barry." Iris assured him. "You did the best you could."

"I thought I could just make things better, but everybody's been paying for my happiness." Barry stated before he turned to me. "Will you help me?"

"Do what?"

"Make things right." He replied as he took one of my hands in his. The only reason that I didn't pull away was because of the distress that he seemed in. He seemed to be fighting something within himself, and although I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was a part of me also felt that pain. "And I owe you the whole truth. You deserve it."

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