Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Hermione knocked on the door. One, two, three times. About 20 seconds later, she heard footsteps and the door opened. She came to face with the one and only Molly Weasley who quickly squished her into a bone crunching but motherly hug.

"How are you, Hermione dear? You look so thin, let's get you something to eat!" The older woman rambled. Hermione gave her a warm and soft laugh.

"I'm great Mrs. Weasley and I'm fine, I don't need anything to eat."

Molly shook her head slightly.

"I insist you get some food. Come in dear everyone has been waiting for you."

She quickly grabbed Hermione's trunk and stepped aside. Hermione thanked her and gracefully strode into the Burrow with Crookshanks trotting next to her. Mrs. Weasley closed the door behind them and set the trunk onto the ground.

"I will get the twins to carry it upstairs."

"There is no need Mrs. Weasley, I can carry it upstairs myself." Hermione replied softly.

"Nonsense." Molly insisted and lead Hermione into the kitchen.

"Kids! Hermione is here!" Mrs. Weasley called out.

Seconds after they heard people running. A red-haired girl appeared behind the doorway and threw herself at Hermione who staggered back from the force of the hug. Both girls laughed and let go of each other. Ron hugged her next.

"Hermione -" Fred began.

"It's nice to -" George continued.

"See you again."

They then squished her into a hug. Hermione laughed softly.

"It's nice to see you guys too." She said as they let go of her.

She felt a soft smile creeping up her face. She had missed it here.

"Now kids, dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. George, Fred carry Hermione's trunk upstairs, please." Again, Hermione tried to object.

"Yes mum." George answered. The both grabbed the trunk and carried it upstairs.

"Where is Mr. Weasley?" Hermione asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"In the shed with Charlie." Ginny answered.

"Charlie is here?" Hermione asked surprised. She had always wanted to meet him. He worked with dragons which she found fascinating and he - so they said- was one of the best students Hogwarts had ever had. Ron merely nodded.

"Is Harry coming here?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, in three days time." Mrs. Weasley said as they entered the kitchen. Molly immediately shoved Hermione into a seat. She rushed around the kitchen and set a plate of cookies in front of Ron, Hermione and Ginny. "Eat up!" She said.

Ron immediately attacked the cookies shoving them into his mouth. Hermione politely took one and slowly ate it after eyeing it. Flashbacks went through her mind. At the beginning of the holidays her grandmother visited. She took 'care' of her while her parents went to France. The horrifying creature she was kept putting Hermione down. Telling her to lose weight and to stop acting like a child and a know it all. Hermione tried to ignore the harmful words of her grandmother, but her self-esteem could only take so much.

After many complains of Mrs. Weasley because of Ronald's eating, she told him to get his siblings and father for dinner. A grumbling Ron stood up and made his way upstairs while Hermione helped Mrs. Weasley set the table. Slowly the kids came bustling in, taking a seat. The younger witch tried to help Mrs. Weasley setting the food on the table.

"There is no need dear." Molly said. Hermione tried to object but Mrs. Weasley cut her off. "Fred would you please?"

Hermione was confused as Fred stood up. Suddenly he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He began spinning her around as Hermione squealed.

"Fred let me down!" She demanded as Fred laughed.

After a few minutes Hermione began to feel dizzy.

"Fred please!" She pleaded.

He spun a few more times before setting her down. Little did she know that two men stood at the door watching everything. Fred unwrapped his arms from Hermione leaving her without any support. Hermione, dizzy as she was began to stumble. Just as she was about to fall strong arms encircled her waist, keeping her from hitting the ground. Electricity exploded in her body, as did warmth and safety. She slowly opened her eyes only to come to face with the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was about 6"5-foot-tall with short messy red hair, bright blue eyes, a stubble that complimented his sharp jaw well and a cute smile. She was face to face with Charlie Weasley.

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