Chapter 8: Dumbledore

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Hermione angrily stormed down the stairs with her wand tightly clutched in her hand. At the bottom of the stairs she saw Dumbledore waiting calmly.

"You selfish, horn-eyed, loathsome old bastard!" She screeched ignoring the fact that he was her professor, a professor she once respected.

"Now, now Miss Granger, you don't have to yell, we should discuss things with a nice cup of tea and calmness." He spoke in a soft voice, pointing to the couch, where two cups of tea were already waiting on the small coffee table.

His gentleness frustrated Hermione and made her even more angry.

"How can you be so calm about this?" She seethed. He stared at her as she took her last steps. "How can you be so careless?"

"Things are not always as they seem, Miss Granger."

"So, Harry Potter, the saviour isn't locked in a house with abusive shits who are supposed to be his family?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"He is not locked in, it's protection."

Hermione now stood in front of him.

"So, being starved and getting beat up is protection?"

"I never said who was being protected."

"So, the Dursley's are being protected because Harry is there?" She concluded. "These monsters are being protected while Harry suffers?! Are you mental!?" She screeched. "He's just a boy! He is a child not a mindless robot!" She paused before she growled.

"Either you get him out of there by tomorrow and to Grimmauld place or I will expose every single one of your secrets."

He gulped.


Dumbledore meekly nodded.

"Good you can go now."

She stepped back to give him space to apparate. With a pop he was gone. Hermione sighed in relief. Tomorrow he would have a home. Tomorrow he would be safe.

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