Chapter 2: Introduction

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She blinked.

"Charlie Weasley, I presume?" She asked.

He nodded.

"I'm Hermione Granger, pleased to finally meet you."

He pulled her up against his muscular chest.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said in a deep voice.

They smiled at each other. Suddenly somebody cleared their throat. They looked over and saw Ron glaring at them. Charlie slowly let go of her.

Charlie and his father made their way inside after Ron called for them. Suddenly they heard shrieks. Charlie and his father looked at each other with their wands drawn. Then they heard Fred's laughter as well as other's.

"Fred let me down!"

"Ah, that's probably Hermione." Mr. Weasley said and put his wand away. As did Charlie.

By then they stood at the door watching as Fred spun Hermione around.

"Fred please!" She pleaded.

Charlie thought that he had never heard such an angelic voice. Fred spun her around a few more times before setting her down and letting go of her. Hermione began stumbling. She was probably dizzy, Charlie concluded. Just as she was about to fall Charlie caught her around the waist. He had never seen such beauty and electricity flooded him. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at him. Her brown eyes held so much warmth, love and kindness but also pain. It made him want to cry until she blinked.

"Charlie Weasley, I presume?" He could only nod, too entranced by her beauty. "I'm Hermione Granger, pleased to finally meet you."

He pulled her up against his chest noticing how small and light she was. She was about 5"2 foot, a midget compared to his 6"5.

"The pleasure is all mine." He finally managed to say.

They smiled at each other until Ronniekins had to clear his throat. They looked over to him and noticed that he was glaring at them. He unwrapped his arms from Hermione, immediately missing her warmth. His eyes swept up to his family as his dad smirked knowingly at him.

"Sit down, dears!" Mrs. Weasley said ignoring the tension.

Charlie pulled Hermione to sit down next to him, not wanting to be too far away from her. He had never believed in love at first sight, but he was certain that she would convince him otherwise. He hoped it wasn't too much for her with still being so young, but she didn't resist as he pulled her down next to him. Soon they began to eat dinner. Charlie noticed that Hermione ate quite slowly, he then remembered how light she had been. He would have to investigate.

"How did you get here, Hermione? Did your parents drive you?" Arthur asked.

Hermione blushed slightly. "No, I used a portkey." She then answered quietly.

"Really? Who created it?" Molly asked.

"Oh." Hermione began to stutter. "That would have been me. I created it before the holidays at Hogwarts."

Gasps were heard around the table. It was remarkable. A witch at that age shouldn't be able to create one.

"Hermione Jean Granger!" Molly scolded. "Portkeys are dangerous! You could have splinched yourself!"

Hermione looked down at her plate. "I know Mrs. Weasley, it was irresponsible of me and foolish." She admitted.

Molly glared at her.

"I'm sorry."

After that they went back to eating. George and Fred were excitedly whispering while stealing glances at Hermione. In that moment Charlie wanted nothing more than wrap his arms around her small body but he couldn't, she barely knew him, but he hoped that they would get to know each other.

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