Chapter 9: A Reason To Smile

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Because Hermione couldn't sleep, she had read the whole night and long into the morning.

"Breakfast is ready in 15 minutes!" Mrs. Weasley yelled up the stairs.

Hermione practically jumped out of her bed after marking the page she was reading, got ready and bounced down the stairs, filled with happiness. When she entered the kitchen, Charlie turned and called out.

"What's gotten you so happy?"

Hermione gave him the biggest grin she could manage.


With that she skipped to the breakfast table and plopped down next to Ginny who looked at her strangely while jealousy flared up in Charlie. Was Harry her boyfriend? He glared into air.

"Good morning everyone!"

A mix of good mornings filled the kitchen.

"Good morning dear, what about Harry?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"He can finally live with Sirius! Isn't that just wonderful?"

"Wonderful? That man can hardly take care of himself!" Mrs. Weasley snapped.

Charlie frowned in confusion as silence spread like a wildfire. Hermione knew that Mrs. Weasley wasn't very fond of Sirius but she thought that the Weasley matron would be happy for Harry.

"Well, I think that it's great after everything that has happened, it's good for them. Besides I think Remus is living with Sirius anyway." Mr. Weasley consoled his wife who huffed.

"Everything is better than the Dursley's." Ron said shovelling eggs into his mouth.

"Yeah." George agreed.

"Anyway. Granger has been like a mother to-" Began Fred and let his twin finish.

"Him since they became friends."

Both flashed her a brilliant smile.

"Always forcing us to do homework and study." Ron grumbled

"Am I really?" Hermione asked the twins.

"Yes, he told-"

"Us so himself."

The curly haired with hid her smile behind a cup of tea that she had grabbed. She had realised after her third year that she cared about the boys in a maternal way.

"She is blushing!" Teased Fred.

"Never thought that we would get to witness that."

Ginny laughed and bumped her shoulder into Hermione's.

"You guys are mean." Hermione grumbled.

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