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"Hey, Luke." I froze. It was so stupid of me to think someone else was behind the door and not Luke Hemmings who's the vocalist of the band already inside my apartment. I almost believed he wouldn't know I'll be home but that was inpossible. We are all best friends and I'd like to think we all share the same brain, the ultimate reason why he's here right now.

He stood there, the echo of the television from behind while I look at him look at me like that. Like there are words being said behind those ocean of blue eyes. I couldn't look away, and he made it impossible for me to do so by looking at me that way. Like he always do. "Lacey, I—I want to explain everything. Let me—" I pursed my lip and raised my hand.

"Not now." I say, not knowing if I'll ever be ready to hear anything and everything from him. It's as if a dream being able to come into this conclusion. All just because I left for a short time. "Would you like to come in?" His face lit up which he showed so obviously and I took a step aside, briefly seeing the boys stare and look away when I caught them doing so. I only rolled my eyes and closed the door behind him, going back to the living room beside Calum, and also, him.

Man, his cologne. It's unfair he's doing this to me.

"Hey, Lace! You know what would be a great idea?" Michael abruptly said while we were just quietly watching a movie. I hummed, "Well, we have all this guestings and promotion to do around different cities. And we need some good help!"

"Oh, yeah! One who absolutely knows and probably could tolerate the shit out of us." Ashton added with a sneaky grin of which made me roll my eyes while chuckling. "But seriously, we're going out and about for this new single. We've been like–recording and finessing for the past few months. You know the deal." I wasn't completely there for the very final draft of their songs and I hadn't completely known or remember half the lyrics of the songs they've made (with exceptions of mine) so I'm a little bit excited of the songs I'm going to hear from them this year. I knew all their fans are too.

"We've like, gone full a hundred percent for this one. All grungy and very attractive." Calum interjected with a smug smirk on his face.

"Wow, you grew some head." I quipped which made him tackle me and brush his knuckles on my head. I immediately shove him away while failing to fix my now unruly hair.

"You wouldn't wanna miss this one, Lace." Calum added after a while which made me look at them while they're all staring at me–including the other man beside me. I could feel the heat in their eyes and I didn't know why they were even asking.

"Of–fucking—course I'm coming! What did you expect?!" They all cheered around while I only smiled to myself. Even being here now still makes me miss them more. Like this was what I wanted in life. A quiet and simple life with my family, all reaching our dreams at the same time while helping each other up. I almost wanted to slap myself for even thinking of leaving.

"Alright! We have guesting for tonight, interview tomorrow, performance that same night, and then other city the next day..." Ashton went on and on about what we're going to do for the next few months, even as go about and tell me when they were releasing the next song as if I wasn't there when we were making it. But the thing is, it's different. It's different hearing it all by yourself against hearing it and loving it with all the people that love the same band I do. It's like–having something so good and having to share it to the world just makes everything better.

He also said they added a few more songs to the album which made me beg about listening to it—which they profoundly refused to do so. "Come on! I wrote some of it, I deserve to hear it too!" I mustered up the most puppiest look in the whole world against four boys (or three) while they stare me down. "It'll make my day better if you do." Plan B if the puppy look didn't work, but they were still resisting!

"Nope. You still owe us." Calum said while shaking his head.

"I'm gonna bake some cookies." Michael's lips pursed and quickly looked at the other three but Luke only tapped his shoulders and shook his head. Wow, ganging up on me big time. "I... guess I don't belong here anymore." Plan D of begging to hear the new album was to sit and give them the most silent treatment I could give. I could see on my peripherals that they were exchanging glances but Calum only elbowed them.

But I stayed that way for more over than two hours before a voice spoke, "I can't do this!" Michael quickly made his way over me while handing his phone as wide and I was about to grab it when another hands pryed it away from his. My eyes darted to the one and only, Luke Hemmings, with that smug smile lacing on his face I couldn't wait to erase. "Give it to her! I want some cookies!" I could only give Mikey a sad look while glaring at the smirking asshat beside me.

"I'm only gonna give this to you if you go to the diner with me. Tomorrow." Me and the boys looked up all at the same time while I stop myself from looking at Luke. I was damn near pissing myself when he said those words in front of everyone and I don't even have a clue what to say to him. "If not, then wait like one of our precious fans."

Well, shit. "I guess I'll take waiting." My pride went above and beyond after that, standing up to finally bake Mikey some cookies when an audio began playing.

Looking like it was halfway from a song which said, "You go your way and I'll go mine. And if it's meant to, I'll meet you there!" My feet was solid into the ground when I heard that. Nope. That is not possible. Is this a dream? Is my mind playing a joke on me or was that the exact fucking words I said to him the night at the roof with Luke. This cannot be real at all.

The audio paused while I... slowly turned. "3 PM, Andy's Diner." The blonde walked past me wearing a smirk, walking backwards with Mikey's iPod at hand. Winking at the very last moment before turning. It took me all my might not to tackle him to the ground albeit being useless by our height and weight difference. I managed to breathe heavily through my nose—not until the audio played again, "I'll meet you there!" The line and song was cut, the same the door slamming shut.

"Wow, Luke got you by his fingertips."

"Oh, shut up, Cal."

FIFTH HALF ― luke hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now