Chapter One: The First And Only Date.

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I waited. And waited. And waited.

Where the fuck is she?

I tapped my left foot impatiently against the cold, hard ground, the black stilleto strapped onto it making an annoying sound. I rolled my eyes as I checked the time on my phone. She was supposed to be here an hour ago.

The only reason I squeezed myself into this annoyingly tight red dress, black tights and actually wore makeup was because she liked it that way. I even had to wear lacy underwear, and I hate how scratchy it feels. If things were up to me, we'd get straight to the fucking.

Like, come on.

This is too much foreplay.

I saw her speed-walking towards me from across the street. At least, as speedily as she can walk in those six-inch platform heels.

Her voluminous strawberry-blonde hair was cascading down her slender neck and upper arms-- of course, she straightened it.

Her makeup definitively looked way better than mine. I raised an eyebrow as she waved at me, holding her pink purse gracefully against her stomach. Feeling bored, I ran my eyes over the white dress she had on, with thin straps for sleeves, tight till the waist and then flowing till just above her knees. It had a lot of patterns on it, all grey and darker colours, making the dress more attractive than I thought any white dress other than a wedding dress could be.

Is this a lesbian wedding or a first and probably only date at a cheap burger place with a bi-curious girl? I don't see a priest. Or any bridesmaids. Or flowers. Maybe she forgot the flowers at home.

"Sorry I'm late!"

I started counting to ten in my head.




"I just. . . wanted to look good for you."

Really? Then why are you still wearing clothes?

Back to counting.




"Can we not eat here? It's way too many carbs."




"I know this restaurant. . . has the best salads in the city. . . oh, wait, we should've booked early. Hm, let me check. I have, like, an app and everything."

Aaanndd. . . ten. Alright, let's do this.

"Brielle, baby, how about if we just. . . go to my place? I can whip up some pancakes. . ."

I saw the distaste on her face at the word pancakes.

"Or a salad. Chicken salad."

She smiled wide.

"Alright, Harley."

I tried not to roll my eyes as we walked away from the burger place towards my place, holding. . . hands.

I gazed up at the darkening skies, the sun and its yellow rays almost completely below the horizon, the streetlights blinking on, the orange rays bidding farewell to the dark blue hue, as the illuminated clouds looked forward to welcoming the moon and the stars, fading away into invisibilty.

Just kill me already.

After a torturous three hours of talking and making a salad for the both of us-- which I had to unfortunately partake in eating, by the way-- we finally went upstairs.

I mentally thanked whoever's up there for my Mom not being home this time. She would hate Brielle over here, who's pretty much naked and caged in by my body, pressed up against the bedroom wall, breathing heavily, hands exploring my face, shoulders, arms and hair as I helped her get there.

I could imagine in my head her exact words in that tentative, slow and moderate voice of hers which always feels like honey dripping down soft silk.

"Honey, I just think that Brielle won't be able to put up with you for long."

And then I could imagine myself nodding at that fact.

Brielle moaned my name loudly against my ear as she came onto my fingers and then held onto me, arms wrapped tightly around my neck, almost every inch of her body pressing up against mine. I held her in that position for a little bit, letting her calm down as I placed soft kisses along the side of her neck, before wrapping her legs around my waist and then carrying her over to my bed. I could see that she was already exhausted.

I gently placed her on the bed and decided to just let her cool off. I went into my bathroom for a quick shower. I couldn't wait to get the makeup off.

Tonight was a good night.


Yeah, I don't know why I started it like that either, man. I'll have you know that this book is not all smut. This was just . . . an exception.

Hope you. . . ehem. . . enjoyed it.



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