Chapter Twenty One: What's Wrong?

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I pulled the shirt off of my body and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. My eyes latched onto the small red patches on different parts of my stomach. I traced my fingers along the rednesses and a smile lingered on my lips at the memory of Samantha and I in the janitor's closet.

She was something else, I'll give her that. In that moment, it was like nothing else mattered. I'd lost all sense of space and time. It was just me and her, comfortable in each other's arms.

We didn't talk after that. We went our separate ways, not even meeting each other in the eyes on our way to different classes, or during Math-- the one class we have together. But I could tell when she was thinking about it, because that's when she'd blush randomly and give me sneaky side-glances while fidgeting with her fingers.

I put the shirt back on as I heard the bedroom door open and immediately walked out coming eye-to-eye with Brielle.

"Hey!" I said breathlessly.

"Are you okay?" she said, her nose slightly scrunched up.

"Yeah, totally! Why wouldn't I be?" I said, a little too loudly and enthusiastically.

She gave me a look.

"Because you're acting weird? Like, really weird. You're never this. . ." She made a face at me. "Upbeat."

"It's nothing. I nailed a test at school is all. Maybe that's why."

"Right. Okay," she said unsurely as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"So, what're we up to today?" I said, sitting down next to her after giving her a kiss.

"I thought we could just chill here," she said, shrugging. "Maybe watch a movie or, maybe. . ." She said that last part suggestively, nudging me on the arm with her arm.

I looked over at her, and in just a few seconds, her lips were on mine.



I patiently waited for Alex to walk over to the booth and sit down opposite to me, readying myself for what was next.

"Hey," he said, smiling, sitting down.

"Hey," I said, not really smiling back.

He noticed and his smile faded, concern moving into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"Alex. . ." I got ready, straightening up, hands going under the table in nervousness.

He waited.

"Look, you're a great guy. And I know there's a girl out there who's deserving of you and everything. But I don't think I can do this anymore."

There was an awkward silence. His expression didn't change in the slightest but it was like I could see with my own eyes the gears turning in his brain.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I think we should break up."

"Why. . ."

"It's nothing you did. It's not your fault at all. I just feel like I need to explore more. I feel like I'm not sure exactly what or who I want yet. And I need time. To myself. For other people. For my life. I'm sorry, I really am."

"Is this about Harley?" he said, looking anywhere but at me.

"It doesn't matter, Alex. This is about us."

"No, this isn't. It's about Harley and how she's turned you."

"What? She didn't do anything. What do you even mean by that?"

"She turned you gay."

"No! What? No!"

"I don't believe you. You just told me you wanted to explore. I guess that means you're gonna be the next Harley in a week."

"That's not what it means. You're being ridiculous."

"Then tell me. Tell me it's not 'cause you're into her."

"It's-" I stopped and looked away.

He scoffed.

I could feel the frustration building up inside.

"You can't do that. And nobody can turn people gay, that's dumb. It doesn't matter if it's about Harley or not. All that matters is that I can't be your girlfriend anymore and I think we're better off as friends," I said, angrier than I intended.

There was silence again.

"I don't wanna be friends with you, Samantha. We're done," he said quietly before getting up.

I stared at him and he stared back.

"Remember what I said before, Samantha. Stay away from her or you will regret it. She's gonna ruin you."

With that, he walked out of the cafè. I stared ahead at nothing in particular, waiting for his words to sink in.

Stay away from her or you will regret it.

She's gonna ruin you.


Hope you liked this chapter.

Lemme know what you think :)

Love you,


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