Chapter Seventeen: Part-time Job.

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"What the-! Really?" he exclaimed.

"Stop acting so surprised," I groaned out.

"You're telling me that Samantha slept over again. And you don't want me to be surprised."

"She was having a bad night and she needed a friend."

"Oh, is that so?" he mocked.

"Okay, cut it out, Wy. It's not that big of a deal."

"Yes, it is. You're forgetting a certain girlfriend of yours who hates her guts."

"It's not like Brielle knows her."

"Well, did you tell her then? That Sam was over at your place that night?"

"She doesn't have to know."

He let out a chortle, and then said, "What were you guys talking about today morning then? Just before you dragged me away to this diner?"

"Just asking her how she was. I did invite her to skip with me instead of you, but she declined."

He threw me a look before indulging himself in all the food at the table.

"I'm not about to let her replace me. She can take Norah's place, not mine."


"Yeah, her place back in freshman year."


There was a bit of a silence before he broke it.

"And maybe now, too?"


"Whatever do you mean?" I said curiously.

"I have a feeling that you guys met again. Reconciliation, perhaps?"

How did he fucking know?

"And why do you feel that way?" I asked, trying to be as calm as possible.

"You no longer flinch when we talk of her."

"Ah. Well, we did. Um, talk mostly."

"I didn't know talking meant fucking these days."

Damn it!

"What the hell does that mean, Wy?"

"You guys don't talk like normal people. It's either stabbing each other to death or fucking. Which one is it?"

"We didn't. . ."

He gave me a dry look.

"Okay, we made out. Big deal," I deadpanned.

He just smiled and went back to his fries.

"Why aren't you more mad?"

"I knew this would happen some day."

"You wanted me to get over her more than anybody else."

"I still do. She's not healthy for you. I mean, come on, Harley, she was your bully for so many years. And then suddenly, she was spewing out love confessions at you and you fell for it, as is your nature. And then she broke you again and transferred away, leaving you to figure all that mess out yourself. Sound terrible to you? Yeah, I think so, too."

I let out a long sigh. He was right. I can't just be okay with her in my life after everything that happened.

"I didn't forgive her. I told her that. I just don't wanna hate her so much anymore. Deep down, I. . . I know I can't help but want her, y'know?"

"Just. . . be careful. Norah is Norah."

"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Wy."

"Why thank me?"

"You're always there for me, making sure I'm okay. Thanks for that."

"At this point, it's like my part-time job, isn't it?"

I just smiled in response.


"So, how was the test?" I said, walking over to Samantha, seated at her lunch table.

"Oh, it went alright," she replied, smiling. I realized that her table had gone eerily quieter than the rest of the room.

"What's up, Harley?" said a voice.

I tilted my head to the right to face Jared Goldman.

"Well, nothing much, really. I was just thinking, though. Remember when Shannon used to hang with me and not you guys?"

His eyes hardened and Shannon, who was seated beside him, blushed and looked at anything that wasn't in my direction.

"Well, we did more than just hang out. You really did enjoy those summer nights, didn't you, Shannon? Very, very sexy nights?" I said, trying to make my voice sound deeper than usual.

"Fuck you, Harley," Jared said.

I smiled in response. "I'm sure you wished for that."

Samantha burst out laughing. I chuckled along. Meanwhile, uncomfortable, nervous laughter erupted from the rest of them.

"Didn't know you ever rolled that way, Shannon," she said in between chuckles.

"Well, I have Jared now. A summer fling with you means nothing, Harley," said Shannon, still not daring to look at me, still blushing and squirming.

"Of course, not," I said, amusedly, while Jared shot accusatory glances at her.

"I've got to go, now. Mind hanging with me after school, Sam?" I said, focusing on her now. More specifically, on her eyes. The blue and the green. I realized that simply staring at them all day would make for such a fine pastime. They were really that fascinating. All I had were boring, dull, brown eyes. I was jealous, really.

"Sure! I'd love that," she said, earning her a short glare from not just everyone at the table, but also a rather long and sharp one from Alex, all of which she ignored easily.

"See you then," I said, smiling, before slowly backing away to join Wyatt on his way to the library.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked it. This was, again, a filler. A short one at that.

Sorry. More to come soon enough, I promise.

Lemme know what you think :)

Love you,


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