Chapter Eighteen: Is This A Date?

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I pushed through the dispersing crowds and somehow got into the library without being trampled alive.

Pushing the heavy (and ancient) doors open, I walked in, mind set on finding that particularly eye-catching figure in all black.

And it didn't take me long either. There she was, reading some book, casually, with her legs propped up on the table. I wondered if it was humanly possible for other people to seem so relaxed to the extent that Harley was right now.

"Hey!" I called out, walking over to her. She immediately looked up and smiled. I could stare at her smile for a long time, I realized. For one, it's an infamously rare thing and, two, it has that magic to it.

One might even say that it's hot.

In the back of my mind, I wondered about all the lucky girls who got to see it way more than I did. That thought left a sour aftertaste for some reason and I immediately shoved it aside.

"Remember what you said at lunch?" I said, coming to a stop in front of her.

"I do, actually. I said after school. We still have. . ." she made a show of looking at her watch. "Ten more minutes to go."

I stared at her blankly. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope. Take a seat if you want. Wyatt abandoned me for his girlfriend an hour ago and I don't do much homework when he's not there. So, I've been chilling here for an hour without him, just reading some random books."

"Alright," I said, and took a seat opposite to her.

"What were you guys working on?"

"Biology," she said distractedly, flipping a page, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration.

"You take Biology?" I said, surprised.

She looked up and smirked. "Why so shocked?"

"Whose class do you take?" I said, dodging her question, my interest peaked.

"Ms. Rhodney's," she said coolly.

"No way," I said, sitting back. "That's the AP class!"

"Yeah," she said, chuckling, before going back to her book.

"Who knew you were a nerd, too?" I remarked.

"I'm not. I just like Biology. Certain aspects more than others," she said, winking at me at that last part.

My expression changed to disgust.

"Eww," I said.

She laughed and went back to her book again.

"Ugh, stop reading and talk to me," I groaned out.

"Patience, Samantha, seven more minutes to go."

I scoffed and looked around at the library. A bunch of juniors researching away in the side aside, it was pretty empty.

And empty meant boring.

I looked over at Harley, head slightly tilted to the side, still reading, brown eyes running through the words on the withered pages. I had to restrain myself from running my eyes all over her. The book was getting special treatment. Apparently it's worth more than me-- a human.

I didn't really care much about books. I was never much of a bookworm growing up. I never have been and I probably never will be. But I had to make conversation somehow before seven minutes turned into seven drab years.

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