Chapter 22 -*James*

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Hey guys! Exciting new, BOUND TO YOU will be downpriced across all online retailers during the month of October and it was selected as a Kindle Monthly Deal. Whoowhoo! Perfect as fall is the best time to catch up on some reading. So grab your favorite e-reader, some hot chocolate and snuggle up and enjoy a great read!


A/N: Some of you will be annoyed by this chapter. James isn't going to change overnight though, just like a real person wouldn't. At least that's the way I'm trying to write him. He's just confused because of a lot of things, including his feelings for Megan, his past and how he was raised in a time where things were sort of different in how men/women/ couples would think and treat each other. It's also a re-write of one of the original ones I pulled down. 

Chapter 24 *James*

"You're confusing the fuck out of me," Dante said cheerfully.

"That so?" James asked, resisting the urge to pull the car over and punch Dante in the face. He'd ended up with Dante after insisting he should do a quick drive-by to survival the St. Claire pack's headquarters before all of them went. Megan hadn't looked especially happy about that, but she was safe with Robin a few minutes away, and that was more important.

"Yeah," the other man continued. "You got what both me and Forelle want-" James growled and slowed the car. "Relax man. I don't mean I actually want Megan. And..."

James relaxed a little, remembering all too well Daniella. She'd died. All the more reason for keeping Megan safe as he went with Dante to check things out.

"And your pissing it all away," Dante said with a sardonic smile.

"I'm not," James argued. He was trying. But he couldn't have Megan in danger. If she had to come, it was going to be with as little risk as possible. He still didn't truly understand why she felt it so important to be included in everything in the first place. There were simply some things that weren't safe, some things he desperately wanted to protect her from.

"Really? You ask her if she wants come along then decree that she has to stay behind while we sweep the place? Until it's safe." Dante shook his head. "That's not cool man."

"What's wrong with wanting to protect her?" he asked.

"Then she won't ever think you respect her. Or trust her," Dante said and when James growled he added, "I'm not saying that you don't trust her. Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. What do I know? But if you do, this a piss poor way of showing her."

"What do you suggest? Bringing her with me to the frontline?" James gripped the wheel tightly. "Teach her to fight wraiths and send her out hunting like-like-"

"Like she's a trusted and useful member of the pack?" Dante helpfully suggested. "Look, man, she doesn't want to fight wraiths, right? What she wants is to be included in important plans and the execution of them. She's alpha too, right? Imagine not being clued in on anything? How would you take that?"

Dante did have a point. But he had asked her today, hadn't he? He'd heard her when she told him in both words and action that she wanted to be included. He was trying. It just didn't seem right to him to have her with was not that she was female, but it was that she was his. His to keep safe. How could he keep her safe when she wanted to run headlong into danger?

"And for fuck sake, when she talks or tells you she likes something, remember it." Dante continued giving unsolicited advice. "Get her drink and food orders right. Open some car doors. I bet Forelle is already doing all of those things-"

"She's mine," he growled and felt the steering wheel of the SUV began to deform under his punishing grip. He forced himself to loosen his grip.

"We all know that," Dante agreed, lowering his eyes, to not appear like he was challenging James' wolf. Good move, because James suddenly felt his other self too close to the surface. "Your wolves belong. They've claimed each other. But the human halves? I'm not so sure."

"She loves me," he said, turning his eyes on the road.

"I believe so too," Dante said pleasantly. "Question is, do you love her? Because if you do, you best start acting like it."

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