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"Mom, is it really necessary to hire a babysitter?"

"Yes, Nash! You could have burned the house down!"

"You'll trust a stranger with Skylynn more than me?"

"No, that's why I'm interviewing them."

"Okay, so you trust someone that you've known for five minutes with Skylynn more than me?"

She sighed. "Nash, I want to make sure Sky is in good hands, okay? It's nothing against you, I just want to be careful. Not to mention you're out most of the time, I want you to pay attention to her at Magcon."

I rolled my eyes as Skylynn walked into the room. "Mommy, I don't want a babysitter. I just want Nash and Hayes and Will."

"Wouldn't you rather have a girl friend to play with?" Our mother asked.

Skylynn glared at her. "Nash."

"I'm sorry, honey. But this isn't your decision, it's mine. We're getting you a babysitter."

"All the people we've interviewed have been stupid!" Skylynn cried. I laughed and mom shot a dirty look my way.

"We'll find someone. And I'm going to make sure you like her, too."

"What about me? What if I don't like her?" I asked.

"Quite frankly, Nash," my mom said with a sigh, "I don't care."


"Shit." I mumbled under my breath as my phone fell to the ground.

"Well you're off to a great start." A boy's voice said sarcastically. I looked ahead to see that a boy of about thirteen or fourteen had opened the door, and he was smirking.

"I don't think your mom needs to hear about that." I whispered. He smirked.

"Are you the little girl I'm being interviewed to babysit?" I asked.

"Ha ha, very funny." He said sarcastically. I grinned.

"I thought it was."

"No. The girl is my little sister Skylynn. I'm Hayes Grier." He said. I nodded.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Hayes. I'm Mia. Mia Jacobson."

He smiled. "Mom, another person's here!" He called.

I crossed my arms across my sweater and waited.

"Oh, sweetheart, come in! You must be freezing." She said, ushering me inside. I smiled.

"Thank you Mrs. Floyd."

She smiled and closed the door. "Please, call me Elizabeth." She said. I smiled. "I don't know where this weather came from." She said, making conversation.

I nodded. "I know! It was pretty warm yesterday, it's probably just a cold fron passing through."

"I hope it doesn't last too long."

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