Chapter 16

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"Who is this tall, dark and handsome figure being constantly pictured with the famous rock star? While the two men never seem to interact much in public, the majority of Bane's public appearances in the past several months are pictured with this man. Sources have identified him as Alexander Lightwood, a local resident of the LA area. The same source has not been able to identify if the two men have known each other from any previous interactions, but one of Bane's sneaky fans sent in a photograph of her at a Magnus Bane concert several months ago. Who could it be other than Alexander Lightwood in the background, right in the front row. Based on this evidence, some fans are continuing to question Bane's sexuality and"— Before the television presenter could finish, Alec was switching off the TV, annoyed that Magnus was continuing to watch these gossip programs. "Why do you keep watching this shit, Magnus?", Alec asked in an exasperated tone, throwing the remote on Magnus' living room couch next to the seated rock star. "You know it only puts you in a bad mood", Alec commented as he sat next to his crush on the couch. "Because Alexander...they can say whatever they want about me but... now they're dragging you into things. It's my worst fear coming true", Magnus almost whispered, reaching out to grab onto Alec's hand. Alec half-smiled, loving how protective Magnus was, even if it really wasn't a big deal. "It's ok, Magnus. I just ignore paparazzi questions like you told me". "I know Alec, but I hate the idea that they're following you and harassing you all because I can't just be open about myself". The two men were quiet, trying to think of a solution that wasn't coming. "Alec... I have to tell you something", Magnus began, now nervously fiddling with Alec's fingers. "What is it Magnus?", Alec asked, now slightly scared.

"Yesterday, the head of my label called and told me... if I don't go on the Today Show and deny that I'm with you, basically claiming that I'm as straight as an arrow... that she would drop me from the label". "What?!", Alec yelled, standing up as he let go of Magnus' hand. "Please tell me you're not going to do that, Magnus", Alec implored, moving to kneel right in front of the rock star, grabbing onto his hands in desperation. "Alec!", Magnus cried, avoiding Alec's eye line. "I have to! She's not giving me another choice!", Magnus yelled, trying to get Alec to understand. "If I tell the truth, I'll be dropped and I will have no legal clam to any of the songs that I have already released! Ten years of music, basically my entire career, will be owned by Sony and I'll never get to play it again!", Magnus said through tears and he looked at his lap. Suddenly, Alec let go of Magnus hand, standing back up and turning around, not wanting Magnus to see him cry. Magnus was shocked. "Alexander?", Magnus asked, standing up as well. In another quick movement, Alec turned back around, tears welling into the brim of his beautifully saddened eyes. "Is this a game to you or something?", Alec asked, looking like Magnus had branded a hot knife and stabbed him in the back. "What? Of course not Alec!", the rock star replied, taking a step toward his Alexander. "Are you sure?", the man asked through whimpers. "Are you sure you didn't just get me to fall in love with you so you could have some interesting story to boost your career? Because my heart cannot take that Magnus!". "Alexander", Magnus whispered in stunned shock. "Did you just say that you love me?", Magnus asked, in pure disbelief. How could someone like Alec truly love Magnus? How could this perfectly sweet, caring, intelligent, hilarious, and gorgeous many truly love someone as broken and incomplete as Magnus. "Yes you stupid man!", Alec yelled, throwing his hands in the air and rolling his eyes.

"I love you so fucking much, that I'm willing to go through all of this shit", Alec continued, motioning to the television. "Just to get to be with you every day", Alec replied, still angry, but not as fiercely. After all, it was hard to stay angry with someone you were professing your love to. "Alexander Lightwood", Magnus said, stepping even closer to the man in front of him. "I love you too. I love you so much that I literally cannot fathom any moment of my life without you in it. I will do anything for you, baby... including tell the truth about us. I want nothing more than you", Magnus finished, placing his hand on the side of Alec's tear-dampened face. The two men stared into each other's eyes, feeling a pull between their bodies. Alec wanted nothing more than to taste the skin of his love, but he knew better than to try anything, however Magnus' next sentence was the answer to Alec's prayers. "Alexander... Please kiss me", Magnus whispered. Alec's eyes widened, as he knew how much trust and effort it would take Magnus to feel comfortable kissing Alec for the first time. "Are you sure baby?", Alec asked not truly believing that Magnus was serious. "Yes I'm sure. Just...go slowly please. And be careful", Magnus answered, looking slightly afraid, but mostly excited. "I trust you, Alexander", Magnus finished, stroking his thumb against the side of Alec's head as he closed his eyes, waiting for Alec's lips. Alec's whole body was filled to the brim with anticipation. He had waited months for this moment, the moment he would be able to express himself in a physical way with the man he loved; the moment Magnus felt trusting and comfortable enough to let Alec in on this part of himself. Alec felt truly honored to be close to this amazingly strong and beautiful man before him as he leaned his face closer and closer. When their faces were just inches apart, Alec paused, savoring this moment of anticipation as the two men felt each other's breath against their skin. "Magnus, baby", Alec said softly. "Open your eyes. I want to see you", Alec stated lovingly.

Magnus slowly opened them, looking slightly afraid. "Magnus Bane. I love you so much. You have nothing to be afraid of. I want nothing but good things for you. Always. Please believe that baby". Magnus smiled, feeling a warmth fill his body as he realized that Alec cherished him entirely, mind and body. "I do believe you Alexander. I really do", Magnus said, just before he leaned in and closed the distance between their faces, softly pressing his lips against his love's. Magnus' lips tingled at this sensation, which he hadn't felt in many years, took over his mind with pleasure. Although Alec yearned to lean in deeply to this kiss, he stayed fairly still, reaching up with his hand to grab onto Magnus', which still cupped the man's face. "Hmmmm....", Alec hummed against Magnus as he gently and gingerly opened his lips ever so slightly, allowing Magnus' bottom lip to enter his mouth. Suddenly, without thinking, Magnus was reaching out with his tongue, trying to find Alec's to meet his. Magnus didn't have to reach long as he felt the warm and soft sensation of Alec's tongue against his. Alec began to get lost in his pleasure, moving more deeply into he kiss. As soon as Magnus felt Alec's body press up against him, the fear returned, causing him to break the kiss and step away. "Fuck, Magnus", Alec said, realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...", Alec pleased. "Alec shhhh...", Magnus replied through his heavy breathing, placing his hand back on Alec's face. "It's ok. I just need to take this one step at a time is all", Magnus replied, not able to help the smile across his face. "Fuck baby can I kiss you one more time? Please?", Alec asked, surprised that he was already feeling a tightness in his pants. Magnus smiled at his horny boyfriend. "Ok Alec, just once more". "Hmmm...", Alec moaned again as they kissed for a few more seconds, basking in the glory of newfound love.

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