Chapter 31

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In the following weeks, Magnus and Alec were essentially inseparable. Magnus knew that he needed Alec to get through his cravings for drugs and alcohol and Alec was more than happy to oblige; he even started working part-time so he could spend more hours at Magnus' side. "I don't want you to do that Alexander! I know how much you like your work. I don't want to be the reason you're not going anymore", Magnus said with sorrow in his tone and a furrow in his brow as they lay in bed one evening. "Oh stop Magnus", Alec replied with an eye roll, turning his head slightly to kiss Magnus' neck. "I'm not doing anything I don't want to do. Actually...", Alec paused having thought about something for a bit of time, but now feeling suddenly nervous as he brought it up. "I was thinking, if it's ok with you of course, that I might... move in with you", Alec finished, turning his head up from its resting position on Magnus' chest to look into the man's eyes. "Oh umm...oh", was all Magnus could stutter out. Seeing Magnus' less than enthusiastic response, the man tried his best to cancel out the awkwardness that had suddenly developed in the air. "I mean obviously if you're not sure about us long term I wont be offended if you say no but—"No Alexander its not that at all!", Magnus interrupted, gripping his palms tighter around his boyfriend's body. "I's a big step for me. I've never lived with someone before like that. I just...I'm the kind of person who needs alone time and space sometimes. Can you understand that?", Magnus asked, in a tone which sounded as though he was trying very hard to sound casual. "Umm...yeah. Yeah I understand. Forget I said anything", Alec responded as he rested his head back down onto his boyfriend's chest. A tense silence fell over the pair for a few moments before Magnus finally spoke up. "I love you baby", he whispered, squeezing Alec tighter to him.

Alec reached out, lacing the rock star's fingers in his own and kissing the top of the man's hand. "I love you too Magnus". In the next moment, Magnus began moving his free hand up and down Alec's back, his fingers eventually finding Alec's ass under the rim of his boxers. The corner of Alec's mouth lifted up into a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Not tonight, baby", Alec replied, some deep emotion stuck inside the man's eyes that Magnus couldn't quite put his finger on. "I'm just really tired, ok?", Alec continued with that same half-hearted smile. "Ok Alec. I understand", Magnus replied as Alec turned back away, clutching onto the rock star's torso as the two men fell asleep.- - -

Alec was in front of Magnus' house. He couldn't wait to see his beautiful boyfriend's face open the door, but no matter how many times he rang, Magnus wouldn't answer. "Magnus! Magnus!", Alec began to scream. Alec was getting panicked, so he busted down the door, now running through the house. "Magnus! Magnus where are you?!". Finally Alec came to the bathroom door in Magnus' room. The light was on inside and no sound came from its walls. Alec had a horrible feeling about what he would find as he slowly inched the door open. Suddenly all he could hear was his own screams as he took in Magnus' lifeless body, situated in a pool of blood coming from the man's open wrists...

In the next second Alec was sitting up in bed, breathing heavily in the aftermath of his nightmare. "Alexander?", Magnus mumbled, still mostly asleep. "Its fine", Alec replied. "I just need the bathroom", Alec whispered, moving to get up. "Ok baby", Magnus replied, rolling over and falling asleep immediately. Alec rose slowly, walking to the very bathroom, which he had just dreamed about. As he closed the door and turned on the light, his actions almost didn't feel real. He half expected to see Magnus still lying there on the floor, his life taken from him.

Alec pulled down his boxers and lifted the toilet seat, aiming his stream into he bowl. He finished and flushed, noticing that the toilet tank lid was placed a bit oddly. Alec lifted the lid expecting to see water and that little ball that floats to the top with every flush, but instead he saw a black plastic bag taking up most of the space in the tank. "What the hell?", Alec mumbled to himself, removing the bag with curiosity. He then set that bag down on the bathroom counter, having a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. As Alec opened up the bag, his mouth filled with bile. He rushed over back to the toilet and heaved, nothing coming up but stomach acid. The bag contained half empty bottles of alcohol and several bags of what looked to be cocaine. As Alec's stomach calmed down, his thoughts began to race. This must have been why Magnus didn't want him to move in. This must be why Magnus has been doing so well with his withdrawal; he wasn't going through withdrawal at all. Alec slumped down the wall, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He was feeling so many things at once that he couldn't quite feel anything at all. He began to experience a numbness throughout his body, as though every limb was simultaneously shot with Novocain. He didn't know what to do. But all he knew was that he couldn't be here. He needed to leave. Now. The next thing he knew, Alec was in a cab home, leaving the sleeping Magnus behind in their once happy bed.

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