chapter 12

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[Ash POV]

"No, I'm sure they love me a lot. Its just I lost them when was young." I said. I wasn't looking up, my head was sunk and I was staring at my food.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry…" she choked on her food. "... that's so sad! I'm really sorry for your loss…" she said a while later.

"It's fine, I have learnt to live alone. Also my Pokemons love me very much. They never made me feel alone ever." I replied, still looking down.

"That's so sweet…" she said softly, maybe this talk didn't go as she was expecting. She was trying to getting known to each other and it turned so awkward. So I decide to make it back to normal

"Umm… can I have some more?" I asked, gesturing to my almost empty dish. She looked at me briefly before a smile popped up. "Of course! Do you like it?" She asked surprisingly.

"Mhmm, its delicious!" I replied with a smile. She poured some more in my dish. "I'm so happy, Serena here never eats a lot and it makes me worried if I'm a bad cook." She said, eyeing at Serena, who was glaring at her as well.

"Why is that?" I asked turning to Serena. But her mother replied it for her. "Oh, she always says so concerned about her weight…" she said. "Mom! You don't need to tell that!" Serena screamed, but stopped when she saw me. While I gave a chuckle. Serena's face was red and she was trying to his her face in her hair.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "I'll get it.." Serena said as too stood up to open the door.

We heard the conversation as she opened the door and spoke to the person. "Oh, its you again. Now I definitely think the letter was safe with you. Here, this one's for you." The person said, the voice was familiar but I couldn't point out. I think he was a delivery man if he gave her a letter. And what did he mean by again?

Soon Serena came back with a letter in her hand. She quickly opened it and read it aloud.

"Serena Yvonne,

We are glad to inform you that you have been selected for the opening performance of the Grand ceremony of  International Pokemon Battlegrounds tournament. The IPBG tournament is an international trainer's platform where they can show their power and battle against the best trainer all around the world.

The tournament will take place at the Battle Frontier islands in the Sinnoh region. The tournament will initiate two months from now, that is from 23 October to 25 November. But you will need to have to show up on 2 October, for the performance practice along with other performers.

The envelope contains two tickets to your destination. You will get a room at one of the resorts in the resort area of the island. You can bring one guardian along with you to sinnoh.

We will be glad to see you there, meet you later.



(President of Pokemon tournament)"

She looked up from her letter and squealed as she hugged her mom. "I'm so happy for you dear!" Her mom congratulated her.

But then a thought struck me, if she has received this then I would have definitely received one too. Suddenly Serena spoke breaking me from my thoughts.

"Ash! I forget to tell, you got a letter too on that day when you were late from work. The same man had delivered it and said it was confidential. I kept it on the living room table while I was doing my homework." She said, I lunged up from my seat.

"Really?" She nodded, "I need to go now! It's very important! I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, but I have to go. And the dinner was great, thank you." I said as I quickly went and picked up my things. She and her mom followed behind.

I reached the door and opened it. They both came to see me off. "Please do visit again." Her mom said, I replied to her with a smile, "of course! Thanks for today. See you guys later!" I said and too off running.

I ran for a good few minutes, until I reached my house. I barged in and looked for the letter in the living room. Surely it was kept on the under section of the coffee table. I quickly took it and opened it and scanned it with my eyes. This was it! My chance to come back up and show everyone who I really am. I pressed the letter to my chest taking a deep breath. Finally…

The next thing I did was meeting all of my Pokemons. I ran out of the house searching for everyone. Infernape, Snorlax, Torterra, Sceptile, Lycanroc, Greninja. I told everyone about it and told them that their training will start from tomorrow every morning before I go to school and they were so pumped up upon hearing this. Now I just have to tell it to Pikachu and Charizard, they were actually out of town for a small task.

I returned home and looked at the letter again. It wasn't the same letter that Serena got, it was much more important for me. I went through the lines again.

"Mr. Ketchum,

I am glad to inform you that an International Pokemon Battlegrounds tournament is being held in sinnoh region that might help you gain your reputation as well as revenge back.

Your penthouse has been prepared with special training center for your pokemons. You are welcomed any time, the tournament will start on 23 October. Trainers all over the world will be invited to participate.

I hope this will be a perfect opportunity for you to prove your real power and take revenge on those who hated you. I'll be looking forward to seeing you there soon.



(President of Pokemon league)"

I took a long sigh of relief, yes it would be perfect for me.

To be continued...

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter. And I have a request as well to those who can help me with the performance. Since I am not good at that so I would be grateful if someone can write a wonderful performance for me. If you can help then pm me, I'll tell you the details.

Thank you.

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Good bye.

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