Chapter Two: The Snobbish Kid

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Dedicated to c_h_u_b_b_y

"_It takes a lot to make up for a single deed. But just one word, one second, and one breath is all it takes to take you back to square one_" -Zara Abdul

NADIYAH looked down feeling uneasy at the thought of a boy sitting next to her. Her heart hammered against her chest making her feel claustrophobic.

Tightly clutching her sweaty hands unto her skirt, she found herself inhaling sharply as Mr Farouq continued his roll call, occasionally adjusting his spectacles.

"Dinah Sadiq!"

"Present Sir" she mumbled in her usual bored tone. She hate the guts of Mr Farouq simply because of his overstrict attribute. She had pegged him to be overstrict and little nosy.

"Nadeeyah Muhammad Kyarimi!" Came his booming voice.

"Present Sir!"

She spoke with her silvery voice as her almond brown eyes were still downcast, she rose her right hand indicating her presence in case her voice wasn't audible enough. For she could hardly hear it reach her own ears.As soon as it was over, they all parted to their respective classes.

Finally having a free period after two brain-eating subjects; Further Mathematics and Chemistry, Dinah quietly engaged herself in writing whereas Nadiyah was engrossed in her latest Harry Potter series. Her mind putting her in place of the characters.

The two remained quiet occasionally talking once in a while. But the little tranquility was ended by a snobbish student, Binta Balarabe who effortlessly sat next to them.

Sensing her presence, Nadiyah stiffened for a second, while Dinah on the other hand was dangerously shooting her daggers. Her presence was nothing but annoyance. A perfect definition of 'pain in the neck'.

"Hello girls" she squeaked with the most audible shrill voice. It took Nadiyah a lot to avoid closing her ears. Maybe that was her punishment for praying the dawn prayer after daybreak.

"Oh Lord! Please forgive me" she continuously repeated under her breath.

Binta tried to start a conversation but thankfully, the bell rang indicating the start of another period. Nadiyah did an internal sigh, thanking the Lord for saving her poor ears.

Whereas Dinah passed her a saccharine smile, clearly showing her "Maybe next time Binta". She said with the most obvious fake kindness. Sarcasm clearly dripping in her words. "Oh okay" Binta gave a tight smile -rather pretentious. For she wasn't one to be genuine.

It was soon lunch time after a whole Biology session. Being recluses, even though Dinah is anything but quiet, the two advanced to the abstract table by the left side of the canteen silently enjoying the view and serenity around the table.

But of course it has to be short-lived since the 'dear beloved Binta Balarabe' decided to grace them with her presence for the second time.

Groaning inwardly, Nadiyah genuinely smiled whilst ignoring Dinah's bored expression. Binta smiled back wholeheartedly hoping to achieve what she came for.

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