Chapter Three: Remorse

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“_The pain of falling apart is unbearable but thinking about those that fell apart is enough to patch you up_”  -Zara Abdul

DOING his daily routine, he had a quick exchange of greetings with his parent and siblings to avoid getting riled up by his mom's usual mollycoddles.

He stood at the patio looking at the cloudy sky without uttering a word. Heaving a sigh, Nasim looked forward to another enormous hectic day. Life is surely not a bed of roses, but a mysterious rollercoaster ride. He thought whilst making his way to his white Mercedes.

Stepping into the gigantic building, he stepped out of the car and head to 'Homeroom 3A'
Darting his eyes all over the hall, he spotted what he was looking for. His annoying friend and cousin -Mahmud Isma'il Elkanemi.

Having seen him, he strode towards him leisurely, and took a seat next to him which coincidentally happened to be next to Nadiyah -the girl from yesterday.

He was never a fan of girls but one thing he was thankful for, she wasn't flirty or promiscuous.
Neither was she an attention-seeker.

He noticed she wasn't wearing a perfume or at least not so much to get a whiff. And he was way too grateful for that because he wouldn't fancy sitting next to someone like that.

Her quiet demeanour and easy-going nature made him relaxed, mentally assuring the safety of his ears. He later learnt her name was, Nadiyah when she answered Mr Farouq with a 'present'.

Her innocent voice echoed for a second which unknowingly drew his attention and had him looking sideways. Was she like that or was it a facade? He could careless about her and her lifestyle, having loads of things to put into consideration.

Parting to their classes, Nasim patiently waited for Mahmud who was talking to a schoolmate. He wonder how he easily make friends. With that thought, he heard a deep voice speaking to him.

"Hey man!" That was Alexander Green, a school friend and classmate.

"Hi Alex" he greeted back with a curt nod. "Waiting for Mahmud?" Alex inquired" If it isn't obvious" Nasim shrugged. Trying his best to act normal.

"I was wondering if we could hangout tomorrow" Alex suggested as he stared deeply into Nasim's eyes, millions of thoughts running through his mind.

The boy really has a lot going on in that pretty little head of his, he was nothing like a teenager. He behaves like a forty years old. Mahmud was the cool and carefree one but Nasim was a closed book. Very cagey, giving no way to know a thing about him.

Maybe often hangouts will do their magics despite him being a man of few words. Alex mentally hoped.

Walking into the cafeteria, Nasim spotted Alex at their accustomed table. Beside him was, Kabir Saleh Damboa –a dirty-minded spoilt brat, trying to chase every girl in skirt. Despite being the only heir to a multimillionaire.

Sighing, Nasim glowered as he detoured to the left side of the hall acknowledging Kabir with a brusque nod. Taking an empty table at the most quiet side of the canteen, he gracefully closed his eyes, reminiscing the past few years.

He missed the good old times. If only he could he could reverse time. Growing up wasn't easy for someone like him plus the ongoing royalty and family issues pressurizing him.

Taking a large gulp of oxygen, he relaxed his tensed muscles all while, subconsciously drifting into oblivion. Closing his face with his palms, he gently placed a handkerchief on his forehead trying to wipe his cold face. The morning fog really did a good job.

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