Chapter Nine: Final Decision

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Rhainne woke to a start, only to find herself sprawling on the floor, her left leg on the bed, her right one, outstretched, her arms stretched to random directions. Immodest sight to see, for those prim and proper and well, gentle people, to say. 

Dah, whatever, she thought to herself, rolling again to the floor, only to come face to face with her laptop’s black screen. God, she forgot to turn it off overnight.

And so suddenly—

“Rhainne!,” her mother called, her voice normal, as though nothing happened last night.

Suddenly alive, not caring the mess she made in her restless sleep, Rhainne threw herself to a standing position, and went straight to her CR, honestly guilty, turning her shower on like a mad wild cat, and not even minding to take her clothes off. She just wet herself like that. Just like that. In her pajamas. 

Shanelle Cruz used a key to open Rhainne’s door.

“Rhainne! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO LOCK THE GODDAMN DOOR?!,” she shouted, one hand on her hips, the other on the doorknob.

Rhainne who just splashed carelessly some water on her body, simply adding layers of shampoo and bubbly soaps, now went out from her CR, madly dripping wet, still with her clothes on.

“And now you’re flinging water droplets everywhere?! …And taking a bath with clothes on?! Are you even a girl when you do that?! Rhainne! Rhainne!”

Rhainne flashed that stupid grin again, “I will clean my room once I’ll arrive from—”

“And where do you think are you going?!” 

   “I will…ahm, Ma, could you please go outside for awhile?,” she bit her lip, “I will change, and you know…well, unless you want me, to strip off everything infront of you?”

“This kid!”

“So, that’s why,” Rhainne said dully, waving her Mama off with her hands, and finally, letting her out of the door, “I will…really change.”

“This spoiled brat,” Shanelle murmured, and with an angry shove, pushed the door open. Rhainne jumped in shock, screaming an angry instinct shout, “MA, WHAT THE--?!”, then automatically covered herself with her towel again, although it was already too late since her Mama already saw everything.

“I already saw that long before you did. What’s the point of being shy? We have the same anyway.”


“Where do you think you’re going?!”

“To…Mr. J,” Rhainne said softly, and with sudden confidence, “Isn’t that what you want?! I have thought about it the whole night anyway!...And this is my decision.”

Shanelle turned quiet.

“I know that this will be hard for you, Ma. But, I just want things…to be the way it should be. There are many questions in my head that needs to be answered, you know.” 

Rhainne gripped her towel hard, bracing herself harder. Hope, she will. Hope she will…

To her surprise, her mother just said a straight, “Yes,” without further ado.

“You’re already 18, right, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll be old enough to survive on your own. It’s time to find your own footsteps and see what the world—the real, cruel world—outside your protective shell, is.”

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