Chapter fifteen: The Sensitive Boy and His Picture

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It’s already 5 in the morning. Rhainne’s fever, thanks to Ian, dropped rapidly from 40°C to 38°C.

Ian is sitting on his bed, new big dark circles darkening around his eyes. He wanted to reorganize his thoughts, but instead, he finds himself staring at the sleeping crazy girl on the sofa. Scientifically speaking, he doesn’t know how he managed to carry her all the way from the damn floor to that sofa, since she literally, weigh tons and tons heavier than those other girls he carried in his romcom movies like his major leading lady, a.k.a, ‘girlfriend’ on-screen, Joanne Aznar, his senior, Tiffany dela Torre—a painful knot twisted deep down his chest—and many other artists, Filipino or not, such as the famous face of Korea these days, Yoona (in a Girl’s Generation music video) and Thai teen girl star, Beifern (in his first ever international movie),  but anyway…the most important thing is that he did it. He did carried tons-of-kg Rhainne Vergara.

Finally. But completely exhausted.

And wanting to sleep. Badly. 

But…no. Something is putting him to a stop. Strangely, he doesn’t want to sleep, but just wanted to stare continuously at her. Weird. 

Since awhile ago, ever since he managed to throw her on that sofa, almost toppling over her (when that annoying pink teddy bear fell from that upper cabinet on top of them to where he last placed it), he suddenly can’t get his eyes off her—off Rhainne Vergara—his immature teenage boy antics, suddenly churning, and churning more deeply in his stomach. 

She seriously looks different when she sleeps. Totally like a different girl. Especially with that pink big teddy bear over her (he didn’t mind taking off from her). She. Just. Looks. Cute. 

Ian shook his head, scolding himself unreasonably, No, Ian, this is just because a lot of crazy things happened between the two of you today. Nothing more, nothing else.

“Yeah, I should sleep. I shouldn’t think of these nonsense things,” Ian murmured to himself, rubbing his eyes and letting out a yawn, childishly putting the thick bed covers all over him as he lay himself on the bed. 

He should sleep. It’s 5 AM already. 5 AM. And he hasn’t slept properly for the night, particularly because he was busy acting like a quack doctor for Ms. Rhainne ‘bulldog’ Vergara. But then—

He flipped all the bed covers away from his face, then sat up, obviously annoyed. He glared at Rhainne’s sleeping figure, then began nagging. Again. 

“What?! I took care of you the whole night and bought you all the stuffs you needed, yet you dare call me by another name?,” Ian stayed dumbfounded for awhile, “Liam, you say?!..Wow.”

I’m going crazy. Really, Ian cursed repeatedly in his head, tangling his hair with his hand, strange anger writhing in his insides. 

Feeling entirely stupid, he angrily shut the lampshade by his side, off, and proceeded to laying back down on his bed, the darkness instantly swallowing his consciousness—swallowing his consciousness long before his head could even smack down on his pillow.

Good night, the darkness seemingly whispered to him, but he didn’t reply, saved only by his cute sleeping position, which coincidentally, is exactly, from time to time, like Rhainne’s. When she rolls to the other side, he does the same. When she semi-consciously gulps and wets her lips, he does the same. When she faces him from across the bed, he faces back at her, in return.

Exactly…is the heavens playing happily with them? ... Even in their unconscious states?

Morning arrived. 

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