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After the red carpet, where the press couldn't extract any gossip from either Aisha or Kabir, they both left towards their respective seats.

Aisha, Sameer, Ranveer, Alia and Khushi were all sitting together but there were 11 seats to Aisha's left which were empty without name tags. None of them knew who was going to sit there.

Kabir was waking towards his seat, as directed by the security, when he saw five big stars of the industry sitting next to his seat, out of which he knew two!

Relief washed over him as he found someone he knew, thanks to social media. With a cheerful smile he walked up to them and said, " Hey Sameer, Ranveer!"

They boys were not expecting Kabir to be there at the award show and so were happily shocked!

They were exchanging greetings when the boys heard Alia clearing her throat indicating them to stop their talks.

As she gained their attention she said every word slowly and earnestly, " I am a BIG fan!"

Clearly someone was star-struck! They all laughed at her and Kabir said the same to her in the same slow and earnest way. He came towards Khushi and Aisha and shook their hands, but when he looked at Aisha, he couldn't look away.

Kabir had just walked up to them and Aisha couldn't tear her eyes off him. Aisha wasn't a great cricket fan but had heard a lot of great things about Ahuja.

Even though she wasn't as big a fan, she admired Veer to bits. When he shook her hand, they both did silently check each other out. And they knew it. He swiftly stole the seat next to Aisha making himself rather comfortable before the team could walk in.

As the team settled and the awards started, Kabir was absolutely comfortable with Aisha too. He already seemed to like her.He was already attracted; her soft eyes, warm smile, hearty laugh, rosy cheeks, he liked it all.

He observed her keenly but as the hosts walked onto the stage and the show started, he knew he would have to omit doing so because of the cameras around.

The co- host of the evening, Akshay Sharma was the teams favourite and their evening was surely going to be a good one but for Kabir, it was turning great!

The show went on with humour and dance and drama and soon a segment came, where Akshay interacted with the audience. Lucky for us, including kabir and aisha.

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