12. Just Perfect.

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Kabir has serious business to attend to. He needed to plan a date! A first date: the most important one. He couldn't decide what to do. He didn't just want to take her out for dinner and drop her back. That shit was boring.! He wanted her to remember the date and think about how different it was. He wanted to put in extra efforts!

Kabir had come up with some seriously cute ideas over the time. Now, only the arrangements were left. As soon as he could, which was around 3 pm, he texted Aisha saying,
" Dress casual😉
Be ready for a long date Aish!"

Kabir didn't know whether Aisha would like what he planned but he was willing to take that risk. He thought that it would just help him know her better then. He wanted to know more about her.

Aisha had gotten over with her shoot a little early. "Perfect! I'll have time to get dressed properly now." She thought. She opened her messages to encounter the text Kabir had sent. She was wondering where he was going to take her dressed casual.
She was, after a long while, really happy.

Aisha dressed in a multicoloured crop top with jeans. She applied light makeup and wore high heels. Casual and cute! She glanced at the time to see how long she would have to wait, it was 4:50 pm.
"10 minutes, if he is punctual!"she thought.

Kabir was already outside the studio but since he was a little early he decided to wait. He didn't want to disturb Aisha when she was working. He was wearing an olive green sweatshirt with jeans, his go to outfit! He waited for 15 minutes  until he called her.

Aisha skipped outside to see Kabir leaning against his car looking hot as ever. Such perfection! She smiled brightly as her eyes met Kabir's. She reached him and gave him a warm hug.

Kabir skipped a beat looking at Aisha walk straight into his arms. He was ecstatic. Just seeing her made him happy and holding her made him feel lucky. They settled in the car and Aisha asked him where they were going.

"It's a surprise Aish! I don't really know if you will enjoy but I mean, it's worth a try I guess!"
She replied by saying, "You actually put effort into this and that is enough for me. I am so sure I will have the best time tonight! "

They smiled at each other. Kabir, deliberately but slowly, extended his hands towards Aisha's. She slipped in her fingers into his quickly as if she was expecting this. His tensed nerves calmed down as he eased into it. He held her hand tightly as he drove. They spoke about random things but when they were silent, they didn't try to do away with it. They were content and comfortable.


"You got me to a bowling arcade for our first date?"
Kabir looked at Aisha as she said this. He should have known it was a bad idea. She looked so surprised and weirded out. He felt guilty and blamed himself for spoiling their first date.
" I am sorry Aisha. I thought it would be fun..."
" no dude. I LOVE THIS. it going to be so much fun. I am excited. Jaldi challo naa?" She exclaimed as she pulled him Inside.

Well that went well Kabir thought. He looked at Aisha who looked like a kid who just got their favourite candy. Excited and happy. aisha was so surprised kabir brought her to a bowling arcade. She hadn't been to one for SOO long now. She loved the idea of his first date. She was impressed and thought about how different his ideas were. He actually thought about it. That made her happy.

He, made her happy.

KAbir and aisha changed their shoes into the bowling sneakers they were provided with and went to bowl. Kabir was such a natural but aisha wasn't bad either. With every shot, she just got better. It was 100-98 for kabir-aisha. It was their last shot. kabir bowled the ball and it went for a 7. kabir's final score, 107. aisha needed a strike to win the match. As she etched forward and released the ball, she slipped but steadied herself. But it was too late and the ball just bowled towards the pins. she got a strike. aisha won as her final points were 108. 

"OMG SUCH A TUKKA" she laughed and jumped and clapped her hands together. She turned to see a sulking kabir. Obviously, he was always a sour loser!
They continued to play the rest of the arcade games like basket ball and pac man. kabir would randomly distract aisha by back hugging her or standing so close to her that his breathe would tingle her shoulder. He seemed to not realise the effect he was having on her. As kabir won the next few games, he randomly hugged her from behind and picked her up as they laughed and complained.

After they were satisfied by the amount of games they played, it was time to dine. The arcade had an amazing restaurant attached where they ate their dinner. aisha and kabir bought candy floss and ice cream after dinner as desserts as they sat in the car. They were driving to a nearby lake for a while, after which he would drop aisha back to the hotel.

kabir parked the car near the lake and they got out. aisha continued to munch on her ice cream as she saw the peaceful scenery before her. They stood under the moonlight, their hands entwined, sinking into serenity with ice cream in their hands. aisha had ice cream on her nose and around her lips.

kabir before realising what he was doing, lifted his hands to wipe the ice cream. He held her gaze at him as he wiped the ice cream. They inched closer and closer. When their lips were inches apart from crashing into one another, a honk broke their trance. They straightened themselves to see a car pass by. aisha was blushing thinking about how they were going to kiss and kabir scratched his neck, embarrassed.

They stood there for some more time but this time the silence wasn't a comfortable one.
There was a bit of tension in the air. They both wanted to kiss each other but none made a move. Aisha thought about how she wanted to go slow but now contradicting her own statement and Kabir about how she wanted to go slow too.

Kabir drove back to her hotel and on reaching he said," today I had so much fun after a very long time. You make me happy and you inspire me to do better. Thank you for agreeing to come on this date with me. I loved every bit of it!" To which she said," I loved the date too. It was different and cool and the best one I have ever been too." They both stayed there, but no one moved and none looked at each other.

Someone had to address it and do Kabir said," I know you wanted to take the relationship slow. I respect that and Im sorry I tried to kiss you there. It just happened naturally because I really like you aish!"

Aisha blushes and at the same time thought about how considerate Kabir was. She loved this quality about him; he thought and cared for her feelings. To cut out the tension she bent forward and gave Kabir a small peck on his cheeks.

She was going to leave the car when Kabir pulled her into his arms and hugged her. He then slowly kissed her on her cheek and wished her good night.

Aisha slipped into her room with a big smile plastered to her face. She was ecstatic. She was happy. She thought he was perfect. Just perfect.

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