49. Limelight stealer.

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Third person pov

The sun had risen and the day had begun. It was 7 am now and it was 5 hours to go for the first wedding.

Aisha was up and about already with a jittery feeling in her body. She lay on her bed, wide awake, fiddling with her fingers.

She slowly lifted the quilt and got out of the bubble of warmth that surrounded her and put her feet down to the cold floor.

Aisha entered the washroom and stood under the shower after stripping her clothes. She rubbed her skin with Soap and got out of the shower and slipped into a rough dress.

A knock disturbed her and she welcomed all the girls of their group into the room. They filled the room and showered Aisha with hugs and kisses and huge grins. They all ordered breakfast in the room and helped Aisha get rid of her unnecessary nervousness.

They helped Aisha do her light makeup and curled her hair a little. No one teased her or made her feel uncomfortable in any way since they knew what she would be going through. They also knew they could annoy her in the evening since she wouldn't mind it then, before the main ceremony, but not right now.

Aisha was so jittery that she had just sat on Khushi and hugged her to death who giggled and hugged her back tightly. Everyone in the room had smiled at the best friends and the already knew that Khushi was Aisha's Maid of honour and the rest were her bridesmaids.

The assured her, smiled at her and helped her get ready. It was already 11 am and so they all left to get ready themselves.

In about 15 minutes, Aditi twirled into the room with a huge bag case. She had gotten Aisha's wedding dress. Aisha was really excited to see the dress. She knew the fitting wouldn't be a problem since Aditi had helped her choose her wedding lahenga too.

As aditi was opening the zip of the bag, Aisha's impatience kept increasing too. She felt as if Aditi was deliberately slow just to annoy Aisha but she kept quite. Aditi had already done too much for her.

When her planner had pulled out the dress from the bag, Aisha had gotten the feeling that it was the one. The dress she would walk down the aisle in.

As if she had a choice but, we aren't going there!

Aditi stayed put to see how the dress looked on her bride when Aisha's father and aarav came to her room too.

Aisha was in the bathroom, changing, when she heard her family outside. She gazed at the dress before putting it on and admired the choice.

The dress was full sleeved, with a open back. It was lace gown which was purely white. It had a trail which wasn't too long. Her hair were lightly curled so she put them in a bun and let lose a few strands from the side. She slipped into her dress and stood in her heels ready to go out and take approval from the two men of her house.

She stepped out with a wide grin on her face and the moment she came out, her father and brother smiled at her with eyes slightly teary. She felt her eyes get moist too. They took their own sweet time to tell Aisha how pretty she looked and how gorgeous the dress was.

Aisha felt heavier than before when she saw her family.


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