18. Twinkling.

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Aisha sat on the couch with her face in her hands. She walked out. Just like that. Without saying anything. She was a little angry and a little hurt. Kabir didn't make things official. But then she also, didn't make things official.

Kabir came out, lines of confusion running on his forehead. He came out and sat on the couch and as soon as he did, Aisha got up.

It was involuntary but it happened. Kabir was confused. He was hurt and angry with how she was acting. What was all this about? What did he do to deserve such treatment? And so he asked her the same.

Aisha flicked a little annoyed glance at Kabir when he asked her. And so he countered, " Aisha you don't get to look at me like that when you initiated it. You don't get to blame this on me if you weren't ready!"

Aisha's eyes softened as she realised that. She just said, " I know, I know it's my fault. It was a mistake."

"You think whatever happened between us was a mistake? That is unbelievable!"

"No, I'll tell you what unbelievable is. Why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend yet?" After a few minutes of silence she continued, "Is this a joke to you? Is our relationship a joke? Sorry I forgot! It isn't a relationship yet, right? I don't even know what this is. In such a time, where I don't know where we stand, I don't want to get physical. Is that so fucking wrong Kabir?"

There was another moment of silence as both of them pierced their gaze at one another. Realising that Aisha wasn't going to say anything more, Kabir said,

"Well Aisha, this isn't my fault. You initiated, you fix. Get your act together. If you telling me that you behaved this way is because our relationship isn't public, that is immature. You questioning me about my ways with a relationship isn't really helpful."

"I am not trying to help you anyways! I want answers. Does this mean anything to you at all? Or was it just another fling? How does it take you about six months to know if or not you would date me?"

"Dude! Sorry but I could say the same for you too. We never had this conversation before. And we need to talk if it bothers you so much. There can't be a trigger and boom! You speak then. It has to be gradual."

"Do you love me Kabir? Because I want to tell you right now, that I do. I love you. And yes, so it bothers me, that maybe you don't and you might never. And that brings back the hurt because I cannot force you to love me."

Kabir seemed taken aback. He wasn't expecting this. He didn't know how to react.

"Aisha....I really really like you and I know I am falling for you. Hard. But I want to say it back when I feel it. I don't want to hurt you."

" I get it. It's fine" she smiled with hurtful teary eyes. She continued, "I should probably tell you that umm..I would prefer making things public. I know celebrities don't generally do that, but I have a bad past and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes."

"Wh..what past and mistake?"

" my ex boyfriend, he well i don't even know if he was my boyfriend in the first place" , she laughed bitterly, " he told me that he wanted me, that he loved me. He told me that I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He is famous too and so he never wanted the relationship to be public. I thought I was in love and I said to myself, ' Hey! It's fine if he doesn't want anyone to know. He still loves me!' But he didn't. Found him in bed with someone else. Wasn't the first time, I suppose. He broke me. He must have said those lines repeatedly to dozens of girls but I was so naive that I didn't understand then. He just used me...."

She said this, slowly with tears rolling down her eyes. " but I am good now, great in fact. I met you. I now know what love really is. And I am hoping that this isn't a mistake. So I am sorry if I made you feel that whatever happened was a mistake, but Kabir I have my own insecurities which I need to get over. I will just need your hand to help me cross the bar, okay?"

She looked with pleading eyes. Kabir hugged Aisha and said, "Of course baby. See it's that easy. Just share and I'll know. You mean the world to me. I am serious about you and we will make things public. I'll do it for you because I am not that asshole ex. I am your present and future and I intend on remaining that. Okay?"

He kissed he top of her head and entangled his hands with hers. He smiled at her and she wiped her tears and smiled at him too.

He looked at Aisha longingly and said, " I had things worked out for the 'be-my-girlfriend' thing, but it feels right to do his now. So....Will you be my girlfriend Aish?"

aisha smiled at Kabir and laughed lightly. She nodded her head and kissed Kabir's check. She asked him what he had planned originally. " I was going to cook and have a candle light dinner with you and then ask you. I was going to do it today anyways." Aisha looked a little guilty with the new found information

"I am sorry, I spoiled your plans." She with guilt evident in her voice.

"No...no! We can still do this. I am going to cook and you are helping me. Challo!!"

He picked Aisha as she laughed-yelled and placed on the kitchen slab as he cooked away. He was going to do everything to make her happy.  He wanted to because he knew he was falling hard. Really really hard.

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