Chapter 6

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Vanessa's POV

"Hey, angel face! Over here!" yells Noah waving his hands in the air. At this point I just want the ground to swallow me. The people that heard Noah is either looking at him like he's is crazy or looking around the cafeteria to see who he's talking to.

I look towards the ground start walking to the table and somehow it's really hard to do so because of all the attention. I finally reach their table and glare at Noah. "Oh, no angel face, anger doesn't suit you." The table just starts chuckling. "Angel face~, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to sit with us. Anyways, please sit down already." I smile at him. He looked so cute while apologizing. How can someone be mad at him? I sit down and I realize that I'm sitting in between Emily and Asher. This is just not my day.

"Hey, Vanessa how was classes been so far," asks Ethan. "Oh let's not talk about that! I feel like all my teachers had a talk with each other and decided it was a good idea to assign something in each class today! The worst part, its all due tomorrow!" Saying I'm stressed is an understatement. Finding the time to finish these assignments is going to be hard enough but I also have some work to do today at the office. "Don't worry, you'll probably finish it with that amazing brain of yours," joins Asher. "I don't think so, they are pretty long assignments," I groan. "Oh, I know! we should go to Vanessa's house and help each other with our homework." 

I look up at Noah with wide eyes at his suggestion. I can't let them go to my house. What if they see something and it uncovers my identity!? "NO!" I yell a little too loud than I meant to. Everyone in the table looks at me with a curious look. Oh no, I have to think of an excuse. I guess I can skip work today and just catch up tomorrow. After all, I just have to make sure the preparations are done for the business party that is happening on Monday. 

"What I meant was that my parents are home all day today so we won't have my place to ourselves. We should go to someone else's house." I say as calm as possible hoping they bought the lie. "We can go to my house then," suggests Amelia. "Okay, now is it far away?" asks Ethan. Amelia stutters, "Umm... it's not t-that far away. We can go w-walking." "Okay, let's meet up by Asher's locker at the end of the day. By the way, it's on the second floor and next to the art classrooms," says Noah excitedly.

The rest of my classes go even slower now that I have something that I'm looking forward to. In the middle of my next class after lunch, I text Michael telling him to not pick me up today and where I would be at. I also text Claire, my secretary that I won't be able to go to work today and she responds with 'relax Miss Vanessa, I got it covered.' I smile at her response. I fully trust Claire since she has been at my side since I started all of it. I feel like she is more of a sister to me because she is older than me and she gives a lot of great advice. After all, her little daughter, Evelyn is the cutest and I always play with her whenever Claire brings her. Claire has been trying to teach her to call me auntie but it's quite hard since she is only two so she barely talks. Yet, I wish she was my actual niece but I will always consider her as one even though we aren't by blood.

After what felt like a year of school, I begin heading to the place where we all agreed to meet. I see Noah and Asher already standing by what I'm guessing is Asher's locker. They see me and break into smiles. When I catch up to them Noah engulfs me into a hug and I awkwardly hug him back because I'm still new to this. Noah begins to ramble off, "Angel face I'm so excited to spend the afternoon with you! We can even get ice cream if we are done early!" I can clearly tell that he is REALLY excited and Asher at the side of him just chuckles at his excitement. After some time, the six of us are finally walking outside towards Amelia's house not after stopping at a convenience store to buy snacks.

Let me say this once, never take these boys anywhere! 

Saying I was embarrassed is an understatement. As soon as we got to the store, Noah suggested that the girls should sit inside the carts while the boys drive around so we can throw a lot more food in the cart faster. Of course, none of us wanted to do that so they started acting like big babies and said we wouldn't move until we did. I was about to head outside the store until Ethan spoke up and said, "Vanessa you better come here or else we will sing 'Baby' by Justin Beiber out loud and embarrass you even more." I just looked at him in disbelief not really believing they would do something like that. After all the convenience store packed so there were more people than usual. I turned to finally walk out and then Noah began, "You know you love me, I know you care, just shout whenever and I'll be there..." I ran to close Noah's mouth and saw a couple of stares already. The boys began laughing at my reaction while the girls looked at Noah in horror. "Okay, I get it! Can we just have one person in the cart please~" I pleaded. Ethan spoke up, "Sure but next time we won't be this nice." I gave a pleading look to Emily and she murmured a 'fine' and sat inside the cart. (No offense if you like that song.)

If you thought that they would behave after that then you're wrong. After the short concert they gave, Ethan and Noah began racing with the shopping carts. Ethan pushed a cart full of snacks and Noah pushed Emily with whatever she could carry. I decided to pick up a few more drinks so I headed to that section of the store. Once I had enough drinks in my hands I start heading to where I last saw them.

Then, I hear a loud crash.


I know this chapter was boring since nothing really happened but if you want please vote, comment, and share it!

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