An unexpected gift

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I will be changing certain aspects of the story to fit with My hero academia. So please don't string me up and gut me!

Y/n PoV:

I'm on my way to the shop to pick up some food for my Dad. I normally run errands like this on Weekdays, it's a pretty long way to walk. It would really help if I had a quirk like Ingenium or even Allmight. He could leap over entire sky scrapers, not to mention defeat waves of enemies. Just like he did at the USJ!

Yes, I am one of the small percentage of quirkless individuals in Japan. Ever since I was little I've dreamt of becoming a hero in order to save the day, like Gang Orca or Allmight.

I'll always remember the day of my diagnosis, it was probably the worst day of my life, especially for my parents. They were both dumbstruck, as to how I could be quirkless. After all, they both had quirks, for some reason my parents grew increasingly distant after that. A year later my mum left my dad who used alcohol to cover up his pain. He's never been physically abusive, but he can be very...Verbal when he's drunk. Now he's terrified because he took out a loan to pay the bills and he's not sure if he can pay it back.

It took a while, but I eventually put myself back on track, I realised just how much normal people can still make a difference. After all, I-island has some of the greatest inventors in history and without them some heroes wouldn't be able to function without their support items.

Whilst in the shop I pick up some bagels, ham and some treats for myself. Our home was right near the school so we were pretty safe, who would attack anywhere near an academy for heroes? When I leave the shop a deafening explosion echoes throughout the street. I see smoke rising from a small building in the next street over, as if by sheer instinct I drop my food and run towards the commotion. When I turn the street I see people escaping a partially burning building.



Y/n (thinking, worried): It's alright, I just need to wait for a pro to arrive, then they can save those people and-

Citizen 3: THEY COULD DIE!!!


I run towards the burning building and see the flames rising inside. It looks like an old comic book shop, when I look around I see no one on the first floor. Until I hear:


I turn and see a woman trapped under a wooden beam, I rush over to her and crouch down beside her.

Y/n: Don't worry miss, I'll get you out.


I pull my hands under the beam and lift the beam up slightly.

Y/n: You'll need to crawl out miss, I can't lift it anymore.

She slowly crawls from underneath and stands up.

Woman: Thank you, I think there's one more person upstairs. Thank you, hero!

She leaves and I move upstairs to see a man on the floor holding a chest wound.

Man: Help me, *cough* please.

Y/n: I've got you.

I look down at him whilst the flames crackle louder and louder. Upon inspection he's bleeding heavily from his stomach.

The incarnate villain (Villain Male reader x My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now