Chapter Twenty-one

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Ace rode on Israna's back to the village, protesting all the way. It broke his heart to see his father being sailed off as a prisoner. He'd only just gotten to know him. If he'd only been quicker, he knew he could have rescued him. He vowed to rescue him, if it was the last thing he did.

He jumped off Israna's back and waded through the shallows of the lake. He walked up the white beaches and into the village without seeing anyone. He looked around, expecting to see the survivors from the village, but there were none to be seen. The only thing he saw was the large white dunes the Farobi called home.

There was a flicker of movement to Ace's right, and he spun around. A large group of Menquin troops with torches were headed in his direction. Ace stared at them for a moment and noticed a group of about twenty pirates in shackles in the center of the group. The Menquin troops numbered about fifteen.

"So, thought you'd make a last stand by yourself, huh?"

Ace shot him a confused look. Surely the Menquin troops hadn't bested both the pirates and the Farobi warriors, but there were no Farobi captive. What happened to the charge he'd ordered Ta-bril to lead as he left? The group of Menquin troops did seem much smaller. A knot formed in his stomach as it dawned on him. Perhaps the Farobi had died in that charge. He could have sent his friends and mother to their deaths.

All eyes turned toward the motion on the beach. A group of seven Menquin troops were charging down the beach, approaching Ace from his side. Ace positioned himself, readying for the attack. In mid-stride the ground below the charging troops' feet gave way, and in a yelp of surprise, all seven disappeared beneath the sand. Ace smiled, and pride coursed through him when he realized the troops had succumbed to one of the booby traps he, Ta-bril, and Ka-me had built on the beach.

There was a yell behind Ace, and he turned to see Farobi warriors pouring out from the openings of their dunes, charging at the remaining Menquin troops. Ta-bril, Ce-ra, and Ka-tu were at the front, leading the charge against the Menquin troops.

The warriors moved so fast that the troops didn't have time to raise their weapons or fire their guns. They were slain in a fury of moving lilies. The captive pirates even got in on the action, and Ace saw one or two of them strangle their captors with their bindings. There were cries, and a few minor duels broke out with troops who had already had their swords in hand, but the duels made little difference. The Farobi had beaten the Menquin troops and rescued the pirates without suffering any casualties.

Ce-ra emerged from the contest, yelling with her lily raised over her head. She ran at Ace, wrapping her arms around him and lifting him slightly off his feet. "We did it, son. It's over! We've beaten the Visp! We're free!"

Ace looked at her and hung his head. "They took off with Commodore Gates. He tried to escape, but there was nothing I could do. The Visp has already left the island."

Ce-ra mouth hung ajar, but she made no noise. She finally regained her composure, set her jaw, and declared to Ace, "We'll get him. One way or another, we'll get him back. I promise you, son."

Ace nodded and succumbed to his emotions. He embraced his mother and buried his face against her shoulder. His mother finally pulled him away.

"Go tell Captain Harris. He'll be able to fix it." Ace nodded and turned away from her. He left the village and headed back toward the lake. He didn't believe Captain Harris would be able to help the issue, but there was no sense in arguing with his mother. Perhaps he could do something.

Israna sat in the shallows of the lake, right where Ace had left her. He felt an outpouring of love and support from her as he approached. Ace ran into the water and embraced her before he began to swim furiously across the water to the Grudge.

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