Chapter 10

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The next morning after a hearty breakfast and a lot of strong coffee, Merlin left to return to Tintagel. Morgana had decided to made an unwelcome surprise visit during their meal, so Arthur was unable to accompany him home, something which he secretly longed to do. He was only stoof alone in on the launch pad for moments as his mind wondered to the other man so he didn't notice when a well dressed woman strode across the tarmac until she called his name.

"Morgana." he answered. Regardless of physical improbability, Arthur was convinced he could hear a smirk in the tapping footsteps that came to a stop beside him before he even looked.

"So," Morgana could fit so much weight into two letters it should be banned, and Arthur decided there and then when he was king, he was going to make illegal. He tipped his head back and groaned as his half-sister slipped a hand around his elbow, perfeclty manicured nails like talons.

"Don't start." He warned as she pulled him away from the pad and into his - his, despite how frequently Morgana let herself in to pester him - flat.

"What? He seems nice" she said, gesturing at the departed ship.

"He's a good friend." Arthur said, too defensively.

"A good friend. How good, exactly?" she asked, all smirks.

"Morgana." Arthur whined- his sister had the ability to reduce him to a child with a few well placed words.

"Oh come on, Arthur. I saw you together for less than five minutes and I can tell you're absollutely mad for him. You're mooning." She grinned in delight.

"I am not mooning!! I don't moon" Arthur insisted.

"You do. You're mooning more than Exus 7." She continued.

"Just because a planet has five moons-" Arthur responded.

"Six." corrected Morgana.

"Whatever!! It's not. It's not like that." Arthur threw his hands in the air and turned to storm away from his sister.

"Oh." she gasped, running to catch up with him.

"Arthur-" She started, reaching out a hand to his arm.

"Don't, Morgana. It hardly matters what I want." he snapped, shrugging her off.

"Like Hel!! You have every right to be happy, Arthur. You have ever right to love and be loved. You're not doing anything wrong... and to the void with anyone who thinks you should sacrifice that becasue of some stupid out dated obligation. Even Uther." She ranted.

"It's not just father, I have to think about the future. I have a duty-" he started, trying to rationalise the decision.

"No duty is worth a lifetime of misery." Morgana said gently.

"Look, you have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing is expected of you and you can carry on going to parties and buying dresses for the rest of your life, because no one cares what you do, it doesn't matter. As long as you look good on the arm of whatever noble wet wipe has brought you a new toy, that's all you're for!! You're not a ruler, you're eycandy!" Arthur snapped back, ignoring his sister's hurt and then furious face.

"Go to Hel, Arthur." Morgana retortet icily as she turned on her heel and stormed out. A sick feeling settled in Arthur's stomach as he dropped onto the sofa with his head in his hands. He was going to be paying for that for weeks.

He leaned back and stared at the ceiling blankly. Merlin had been quiet that morning, and he'd seemed so tired. Arthur felt he should have been able to do something what? Words evaded him and though it almost physically pained him, he couldn't just reach out and hold him until the troubled frown left his face forever. It left him feeling hollow, and like he'd done omething terribly wrong but had no idea what it was.

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