Chapter 11

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A turmulent week passed on Camelot as Arthur continued to worry over what to do about Merlin, going about his royal duties as though they were clockwork. The time was a blur of fake smiles and press photoes at events that Arthur could not bring himself to care about. It was strange, he thought, how the other man had wormed his was into his heart, burrowing like a rabbit into his affections until the thought of having to never see him again left him sick and the world a colourless place. Arthur did not want to face it, but his father's threats against Merlin had left him feeling powerless and he was lost.

He'd considered risking bouncing a signal to Tintagel to call Merlin, but the Secretary of Communications, Aulfric, reported directly to his father and certainly such a gamble would not be overlooked. Arthu sat at his desk and stared at the phone, knowing he could not take the risk but fantasizing about suddenly developing the ability to communicate by astro-projection. As he stared at the phone, which sat, red, on his wooden desk, he barely noticed Leon enter the room, through the whispr-quiet door behind him. After a moment, the curly-haired man clered his throught lightly to attract Arthur's attention.

"You have a booking at Bis on Veniss this weekend, sire." Leon informed him, referring to a very high class and fasionable restraunt that floated on the water's of the planet and catered to only the most influencial of people.

"Oh." Arthur was barely paying attention – he'd looked up briefly to acknowledge Leon's presense, but had almost immediately gone back to staring at his phone. It would ring in three, two, three, two, one...

"I have taken the precaution of finding out if Mr Emrys would be there at 8PM planetary. As your father has expressed his dipleasure at your spending time together, I wouldn't want there to be an incident." Leon said as casually as if he were discussing the weather, his hand glasped behind his back, staring straight ahead, he made no eye contact with the prince.

"...and is he?" Arthur asked hope filling his heart.

"Fortunately he had not planned to be. I've asked Percival to pick him up." Leon continued in a neural tone. Arthur stood to his feet, excitement barely contained and poorly concealed.

"Will that be all, sire?" He asked blandly.

"Yes, thank you Leon. Thank you." Arthur held his bodyguard's shoulders, one step away from hugging him bodily, when the older man stepped back and with a polite smile left the foom with a shoosh of the doors.


Arthur sttod by the kitchen door and drew a deep breath of the fresh Venissian air. In the moonlight, the water that lapped at the side of the canal behind him was dappled. Arthur couldn't deny that Leon had done well in his choice of romantic venue. Calming his nerves, he opened the steel outer door and stole into the restureant through the kitchen, a suggestion of Leon's to ensure discretion both from the press and his father, the king.

Arthur stepped into the dining room and looked for Merlin. The tables were full with the lively bustle of dinner, making Arthur feel nervous, suddenly unsure of himself, insides rolling like the sea in a storm. And then his eye was caught by the dark hair man sat in the corner. His heart stuttered. The noise of the restaurant fell away into a muted hum in the background, the busy room parted around him like impossible waves breaking around a rock in the ocean, clearing a path between the two men. Merlin sat, playing with a rich bone coloured linen napkin, lit by an ethereal spotlight that shone brighter than any other in the restaurant, he was an ivory angel in a slate grey suit. On seeing his face, Arthur's nerves calmed like a placid lake. He walked forwards.

"Arthur!" Merlin stood up, grin splitting his face brightly. He stepped towards Arthur as he stood by the table, sending a large carafe of water flying, soaking the fine carpet and splashing the prince's dark trousers.

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