Chapter Two | Out in the Kold

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A few weeks had passed since the night Kol walked me home, and I'd barely seen him

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A few weeks had passed since the night Kol walked me home, and I'd barely seen him. I used to run into him around campus or grabbing food at the cafeteria, but lately he seemed to be MIA.

"I'm telling you, Pres. He's a fucking mess," Lila sighed, letting her head fall back against the cushion of her sofa. "He showed up at Dr. Fell's office yesterday hungover, with a black eye and a busted lip."

"What happened? Did he get into a fight?" My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Kol getting punched.

"He wouldn't tell me. But Elijah said he's in trouble with the University too, and in danger of getting kicked out," she said, her mouth curling into a disappointed frown.

"Do you think things will turn around once the baby comes?" I poured her a fresh glass of water and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge.

Lila shrugged. "If anything, I could see him getting worse. I'll tell you something, though: if he doesn't get his shit together, he won't have anything to do with this baby."

I handed her the yogurt and a spoon I'd pulled from the drawer. "Well, you've sort of got Elijah waiting in the wings, fully prepared to slide into the Daddy role. I'm sure Kol's aware that you wish Elijah was the baby's real father."

I pressed my lips together before letting myself say too much. I was not a fan of the way Lila and Elijah handled their situation, and the fact they were surprised Kol was having a hard time adjusting to them as a couple was even more ridiculous to me.

Lila's eyes widened at my words, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. "I know it's my fault, Presley, but that's what makes it so difficult. He can't be around us without drinking or being a jerk, and Elijah's always going to be here."

"You're right, and of course you have to do what's best for the baby. If Kol can't provide safety and security, then he can't be the parent she needs," I said. "I just wish there was some way I could help."

Lila took a sip of the water I handed her. "Unless you can get him to quit drinking, go to his classes and show up to work, I'd say it was hopeless."

The front door swung open, and there stood Elijah, dressed in a navy suit with a maroon tie knotted at his throat.

"Presley," he smiled. "Always a pleasure. How is the writing coming along?"

"Oh, you know.. it's coming," I squeaked, hoping my face didn't give away my thoughts. If any of them knew what had inspired my latest novel, they would be furious.

"Glad to hear it. I brought home Chinese, if you'd like to stay for dinner," Elijah smiled.

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thanks," I mumbled.

Elijah circled around the blush pink chaise to press a kiss to Lila's forehead. "Hi, Beautiful."

"Hi, Handsome," Lila murmured, before pulling him towards her for a longer, more intimate kiss. I turned and stepped back into the kitchen to give them some privacy.

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