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|| BRAD ||

"So, Noah's going to be sitting here at our table?" Zack asked me before taking a bite out of his cheeseburger.

"Wait, Noah? the preppy kid who usually sits over there?" Jackson pointed at the table that is a few rows to the right where Annabel, Ethan, and Kate are currently sat at. I nodded.

"Okay? But why though?" Liam questioned.

"Cause Brad's got a major hard-on for Noa-" I smacked the back of Taylor's head before he could finish that damn sentence of his.

"Shut the fuck up..." I growled at him. The other guys were on the verge bursting out laughing. These idiots. Liam nearly choked on his own food after his attempt of finding amusement at my embarrassment. "Oh... dude, we're just messing with ya," Jackson said as he wiped away a nonexistent tear off the corner of his eye. My head shook at all of them. I know it's a fact that it's just fun and games, but damn.

"Anyways, where is Noah right now?" Zack asked, looking around the canteen, but as if on cue, the cafeteria doors open and revealed a few kids including Noah with his other two buddies.

"Ah, there he is," I said with a grin as I watched them take a few more step in. They have a small faint discussion with each other before separating; James and Felix heading to the lunch line to get their food while Noah makes his way towards our table with his lunch bag in hand. He looks so innocent and adorable with his lunch bag held in front of him. He suddenly stops about seven feet away and looks pretty scared and nervous. I looked at him in confusion and glanced around my table. Now that I've realized, it may seem out of his comfort zone. I guess we a appear a bit uneasy for him. "It's okay Noah," Zack politely waved hello at him and gestured Noah to sit down between me and him. Noah reluctantly sat down at the open spot next to me. His right arm brushed my left and I felt a tingle run up my spine. I can't believe I'm getting the chance to sit down next to my crush. I sound like a girl by thinking of that.

"So Noah, how are you doing?" Jackson immediately spoke, trying to make a good impression. Noah was in the process of bringing out his lunch box from his bag, "o-oh...umm... I'm doing fine really. Everything's normal as always," he says as he starts opening the lid to reveal its contents. When we got to finally see what's prepared as his lunch, all of our eyes widened at the sight of his food excluding Noah as if this is normal to him. Liam nearly spat out his food, he was that surprised. The box is about four inches by six inches. It contained: sushi, lobster, steak, and cucumbers. Each section of food is separated by a divider so they don't mash up together. They were garnished and seasoned with specks of pepper or something. It looks so presentable and delicious. Noah pulled out a pair of disposable chopsticks inside his bag and just picks out a piece of sushi and eats it like it was nothing. "Bro! Is that your lunch? Or a four-star dish?!" Taylor vigorously pointed at Noah's food.

Noah looked up to meet with Taylor's flabbergasted eyes, "Oh this? This is a pretty standard lunchbox that my chef prepares daily. I get random combinations of food. There was this one time when I got a small cup of caviar and-"

"Woah woah woah..." Liam started, "Caviar? Isn't the shit expensive?!" Liam exclaimed. He looked down at his own school lunch of salad, milk, and a hamburger. He hung his head low in shame and turned around to not look at it, "fuck, you make me look so poor..." he uttered so sadly.

Noah let out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way, the caviar wasn't even that good..." he frowned. His eyes drifted down to his lunch box, "Umm... hey guys..." he said. He placed his chopsticks aside and pushes his lunchbox to the very center of the table, "...you can have some if you want," Noah said. We all looked at him as if he was crazy. None of us really made a move which made Noah seem oblivious and confused. "Umm... do you not like... it?" His voice quivered which made my heart tremble at the sad tone of his voice.

"N-no, well, I'm sure it's just that we feel bad if we just take your food as if it was nothing. Right guys?" I said and looked at all of them. Jackson and Zack nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I personally think that you should have it. The food, 'is' prepared for you," Taylor said, looking at Noah.

"What, are you guys for real?" Liam said, turning around completely again to look at Noah's food. "Can I have this one?" Liam asked and pointed at the steak. I sent him a glare and crossed my arms. "What? He was offering," Liam pouted.

"It's okay, he can have some," Noah looked at me with a smile and nudged his food box at Liam.

"Thanks!" Liam said with a huge happy grin and just grabbed a few pieces out with his fingers like a slob.

"Dude! Are you serious?" I yelled at him. Liam leaned backward from his seat before I could reach out and smack him. I eyed Taylor who was looking at me and nudged my head towards Liam. Taylor got the message and did it for me by giving a punch to Liam's arm. "Ow!" He yelled out. The other guys in the table chuckled and Noah was giggling as well.

"Sorry..." Liam groaned and touched the tips of his pointer fingers together. For gosh sake, this guy just doesn't have manners in the appropriate times. I turned to Noah who was continuing his food in silence. The other guys seemed to be occupied on their own shenanigans. I inched my self closer to Noah until our arms touched. He doesn't seem to notice but I could feel myself blushing. Using my elbow, I nudged to get his attention. He turns his head to look at me. He swallowed his food first before speaking, "Yes Brad?" He said.

"Hey, So have you made up your answer? be my boyfriend?"


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