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|| NOAH ||

"No fucking way!" Kate screamed through my phone. The sound of her excessive cheer followed by a barrage of thumping which I assume was her jumping up and down in excitement.

"It's not a big deal..." I said embarrassed as I embraced my pillow while sat on my bed.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? You just freaking kissed Brad who was practically dying to make out with you for so long!" Her chipper screeching was piercing my phone's audio system that I had to turn down my volume.

"Hey, Kate..." I quietly said, hoping that she would have at least heard either word.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Could you, uhh, not spread the fact about my relationship with him to random people?" I pressed my phone on my cheek.

There were a few seconds of silence before she responded, "okay... at least 'you' finally admitted your feelings towards him. I'm actually kinda surprised you just kissed him like that," she sounded both amazed and proud at the same time. I was also actually astonished by how bold I was, making the first move back then. Not gonna lie, I was just as incredibly troubled to confess the truth like the time a came out, but then the thought of Brad being openly crushing over me and waiting for me to say 'yes' gave me confidence that I just went for it. I have a boyfriend... "I can't believe I have a boyfriend!" I cried out and plummeted my face onto my pillow.

"I know right!" Kate added in. This is real, I have a significant other. What does this mean now? I laid in my bed and stared at my phone.

"Noah?" I heard my mother's voice. I shot up from my bed and looked at the door. She gives it three knocks and spoke again, "are you okay honey?" She asked.

"Yeah mother, I'm alright," I said. I kept silent and heard her footsteps begin to disappear. Sighing, I went back to my phone.

"Am I currently the only one who knows about this?" Kate said.

"Yeah, I thought that you'd want to be the first to know since you're so invested into this," I rolled my own eyes.

"You got that right..." she made her iconic tongue popping sound that she has a weird habit of doing.

"Hey Noah, hypothetically, if you and Brad were to sleep on a bunk bed, would you choose the top, or the bottom?"

"Umm... bottom, not a fan of heights, and it's easier to get out off, why'd you ask?"

"I knew it."

"What was that?"



The next day, I bid my parents goodbye and got in my car. Turning the ignition on, I drove myself to school.

After making it to my destination, I got out of my car and started making my way towards the front doors of this school. Right after I entered, Kate and Annabel were waiting for me inside. Kate ran up to me and gave me a hug while squealing. "K-Kate..." I could barely breathe from her intense constriction. What's with everyone hugging me to death?

"Gongrats Noah, you finally did it..." Annabel said behind Kate, her hands delicately folded in front of her.

"Th-thanks? On what?" I asked.

"For getting laid with a hot guy!" Kate laughed and gave a huge pat on the back, making numerous students turn their heads towards us.

I quickly placed my palm on her megaphone of a mouth, "Kate!" I shushed her, "I told you not to be so open about it!" I whispered with gritted teeth.

"You don't want a public relationship?" Annabel tilted her head. I nodded. "Well... there's kind of a problem. We met Brad a while ago and he was pretty much announcing it to others proudly," she continued.

Oh boy. I sighed and leaned against a nearby wall. Resting my hand on my face, I dragged it downwards and massaged my temples. "You guys gotta help me with this. I've never dated before and I need some guidance, please," I said, asking for help from two girls.

They looked at each other, then back at me, "sure thing, we'll make it spicy," Kate rubbed her hands with a concerning look on her face.

"Hold don't go too fast," Annabel shook her head. "I don't think Noah should proceed with a relationship like that, and from my experience, I know that Brad seems like the impatient type, but you can let him be the one taking things to the next level and still respect boundaries..." she turned to look at me, "just go with the flow, and if you're uncomfortable about it, just tell him and he'll understand," she smiled. Looking at her, I nodded and took her advice. I'm hoping that I can get this situated and be used to it.


Our teacher was on the board writing things down for our notes. All of the students kept silent as we recorded the equations and numbers down on our paper. When I scribbled with my pen, a slight buzzed in my pocket. Placing my hand inside, I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see that Brad had messaged me. "Hey, Noah!" He texted.

Busy with my preoccupation, I snuck and message back, "what are you doing? We're both in class right now!" I tightened my mouth to a straight line. Annabel looked over and saw what I was doing. She glanced over at our teacher who was still putting down details on the board but was starting to near. "Noah, she's getting closer," Annabel nodded her head towards the teacher. I quickly hid my device under my desk until the teacher was done and told the class to start finishing up. I heaved a breath of relief and looked back down at my phone again.

"Sit at my table, please?" Brad sent another message.

"Don't worry," Annabel said, leaning on her hand.

Oh geez...

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