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A month later...

Brad and I had gone on a couple of dates these past few occasions. We hang out together almost frequently. At one point I was really attentive to him that I would sometimes forget to do my homework which resulted in me having a talk with my parents. It was the first time in a while since I've had a conversation with my parents like that. My Dad reminded me that it was what he was afraid of when I getting involved in a relationship. I understood and apologized, saying that I'll try to balance out my time in school and with Brad.

Though, not everything was pleasant throughout. He had also come clean to his parents, telling them that I am is significant other. His mother was a bit confused at first, but eventually, she became encouraging with the connection between us.

Brad's father on the other didn't seem pleased at first. It took quite a while of persuasion and deep conversations in the family. Brad told me that there was one night when the tension was getting a bit too intense that Brad and his father were beginning to yell at each other. His father was upset and scared that Brad would really choose to be with a boy, to which Brad defended himself and me as hard as he could. His mother had to intervene, trying to calm the situation down when Brad drove out of the house out of resentment. Later on that same day, during at night, Brad came over to my house looking almost teary-eyed. It was the first time I've seen him so vulnerable, and it broke my heart when he hugged me close to him and firmly. My parents saw what was going on and tried to console him in the living room. With pity, they told him that they would be here for both of us if anything went wrong.

It took about a couple of days when Brad returned to back his place. With all of the talking to his parents altogether, his father finally apologized; saying that he was truly remorseful for hurting Brad and the fact that he broke his promise about 'learning to deal with it'.

It took both of them time to heal. For his Dad to show acceptance and to redeem himself, he invited me over for dinner at their place himself. Taking the chance, I came over to have a pleasant night with the Belonta family. Brad and I were sat on the same side while his parents were across us. I admit, there was no longer the uncomfortable thick atmosphere when I was eating with them. Brad's mother loved talking with me and sharing conversations. His father would also try to join in, asking me questions about myself to get to know me better. I also learned the nickname that his mother would call him so often. I found it fun whenever it was mentioned and Brad would burry his face under his hands in humiliation. Brad would smile more often now, seeing how cool me and his parents were getting along together nicely.

In school, both of our friend groups started interacting a lot more together. Liam and Taylor could share their crude humor with Kate and Felix, James would stare at the guys and low-key flirt with them, Zack could now also have a chat with Ethan; Jackson would sometimes join in with them. I found something odd between the connection between Jackson and Ethan, though I don't really know what. Brad would try to speak to Annabel too; the two still act friendly towards each other which I'm glad for. "I'm having a basketball game this Friday," Brad said turning to me, "...come with?" He added.

"We don't sing the anthem during basketball games," I replied.

"Please?.." he pouted, cupping my cheeks with both hands.

"How can you act cute like that..." I sighed, "fine."

He lets out a chucke, "you're the cute one," he says huskily, giving a little peck on my nose.

"Can Annabel come with?" I asked, the two looking to me then to each other. Even though Brad may have convinced me to come, I wanted some company along with me in the bleachers if I were to spend a few hours to watch a sports game. Brad and Annabel gave unsure looks, "please?.." I smiled at them.

"Do you want to?" Brad said, asking for Annabel's opinion.

"Okay... I guess," she shrugged.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. The bell rings, thus ending our lunch period. Standing from our seats, we all exchanged farewells.

"See you later," Brad gave me a wink before walking towards his next class with his buds. Picking up my belongings, we all separated as I trotted within the halls accompanied by Annabel, heading towards the same direction as we were halfway, I felt her hand gently slip into mine. I faced her and we both stopped. "Can I... have a short moment with you?" She says. Nodding, I remained quiet for her to speak.

"We've been... together... for many years since early middle school, through so much, had each other's backs, shared laughs, tears, and... some secrets, but I just wanna say that all I want... Is for you to be happy," She said with a smile, though for some reason with a slight tone of bittersweet.

I found her words comforting and returned the smile, "thanks, Annabel." She gave a hug as her slender arms enveloped around my torso and neck.

"I love you... yeah?" She whispered.

"Love you too, you're my best friend in the entire world..."

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