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|| BRAD ||

Narrowing my eyes on to the hoop, I got a bit too cocky and misaligned my shot, causing the ball to bounce off the rim. "Damn," I mumbled with a sigh, looking at Noah behind me in my jersey. I was running out of chances with a couple of points needed.

"It's okay," he smiled. His enchanting smile, whenever he does, it makes me want to as well. Nodding at him, I picked up another ball, determined to get him that stuffed husky he seems to have an interest in.

For you Noah...


Our last pause ends as we resume back to our game. We were falling behind by six, which is not a good sign. Remembering the past, I was nervous to make a mistake in front of him again that I was losing confidence. Coach told me to switch up roles for this time, putting me on a more defensive position while Zack makes every throw count. Zack has the ball while I stood at the sides in front of Damian, "what's the matter, Brad? Your throws are a bit hesitant. Scared to fail in front of your boyfriend?" He mocks in a low voice. I leered at him, ignoring his remarks. "I gotta admit, you had me beat at our last football tournament, but I'm not gonna let your school's win streak continue," he grumbles. Zack takes his shot and the ball goes through the hoop. Topstar retrieves it later on and starts dribbling to the other side of the court. Damien and I are neck and neck, dashing to get past each other. Liam and Carlson, our fifth member, were passing the ball to each other, while Jackson and I help defend. Zack tried to get into open areas for us to give to ball to him, but one of TopStar's players continuously try to block his path. When he managed to deceive his occupant, Liam quickly took the chance to lend it to Zack. Catching it, Zack threw it into the air and scoring our points. Damian looked like he was losing his patience as he quickly reclaimed the ball and bolted with great momentum. He really is desperate to win.


The intensity rises as we manage to gain a good score but still fell behind by three points, not only that but we also only have a minute before the game ends. Breathing hard, my heart was pounding incredibly fast. Winning for the school wasn't exactly my main priority, but all I want and more was just to make Noah proud. Our sneakers squeaked loudly every time we drifted. We were already running low on time, down to forty-five seconds. Eyes widened when Damian manages to somewhat steal the ball and was already close to the hoop. "Get him!" Jackson called out. We swarmed around to stop him, he took his shot and we froze in shock and watched as the ball flying. We thought we lost hope, that is until the ball hit the rim and bounced off. Wolverine's supporters screamed and chanted us to make it. Zack quickly snatched it back while I stood near the net. Damian guarded Zack with his best as arms were spread wide open to prevent him from passing. Dang it, ten seconds left and we needed to score three to win. The others already had trouble getting close and I was the only one near Zack, stood in the four-point line. "Brad!" Zack screamed out and distracted Damian. Tossing the ball to me, I caught it.


Time slows down as my heart was beating out of my chest.


"Shoot it!" Zack yelled.


Getting into proper position, I lunged it towards the basket.


The entire stadium was quiet and gasps were held.



"I'm telling you, I don't want you to just impulsively use your money on me like that," Noah complained, his arms hugged his toy husky as he walked along with me in the colorful fair. I sighed as I looked at him. Knowing that he has all the money to remain content, I don't know what I could do to make him even happier in my way. I don't want to behave or look like I'm just using him for his wealth. Gosh, all I want is to be happy with him. "Brad..." he mumbles. Looking at the small boy, I waited for what he has to say. "Do you... do you think I'm lame?" He whispers bashfully.

"What? Noah, of course not!" I looked at him surprised, pressing my hands on the side of his shoulders.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you ever get bored of me," he breathes out downheartedly.

"Noah..." I looked at him in the eyes with a frown. Hugging him and the plushie, I rubbed his back, "I'm not bored of you. Never, ok? But I also want to ask you the same thing. Are you happy being with me?"

I felt his head nod on my chest, "I am, I really am... and I'm proud to be with someone like you," he adds in.

Smiling, I kissed his forehead. Coiling my fingers around his hands, we held each other, "come one, the others must be waiting for us."

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