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A couple of days later, there was thousands of babies, as far as the eye could see. There was no escape from the constant "herm" that the villagers made, and my sanity decided to leave my body during the course of these events.

Everyday, the player would drop by and give us tons of potatoes. He took some of the useless clowns and I never saw them again. Hopefully he killed their clown asses. I wish he'd finally take the first step of our relationship and take me to his house.

One day, I happened to be near the player during his kidnapping hour. He snatched me in a boat just the way I liked it.

After a few minutes in a romantic boat ride, he dropped me off at like a weird house thing with a bunch of clowns. Fantastic. New home new me ig sksksksksk.

This little house thing he had going quickly turned into a slavery as he put each of us in a cell. It was like a little trade center for him.

One day, my baby was trading with me like any other day, when he stared me deeply in my eyes. I thought he might give me the first kiss in our relationship 😳

But nooooo, bitch has to ruin it with his clown ass and stumble across his diamond sword, until I realized he didn't just "stumble" across it, he purposefully got it.

"I'm tired of your attitude." Was the first and last thing I ever heard from them. He swung his sword and I was...


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