chapter iv.

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chapter four – breaking in.

  " God, " Sage breathes out as she finally spots the Washington Lodge in the distance, her heart rate increasing as she became even more nervous

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" God, " Sage breathes out as she finally spots the Washington Lodge in the distance, her heart rate increasing as she became even more nervous. She shakes her head, frowning as she realizes how much had changed in the last year. Two of her friends were most likely dead while the others were growing more and more distant, except for Mike. Mike and her had grown as close as Sage and Josh had used to be, possibly even closer. " This is so weird. " Sage frowns again as she half-expects for Hannah and Beth to jump from behind a tree hoping to scare Sage, but Sage had to remember that it wouldn't happen. Hannah and Beth were gone.

Shaking her head once again, Sage finally starts to walk towards the lodge again and spots Matt standing by himself only a few feet away. She raises an eyebrow, but pauses as she stands next to Matt while waiting for the jock to notice her.

She lightly nudges his arm with her elbow, grinning when she makes Matt jump while breaking him out of his thoughts. Sage raises an eyebrow as she hopes that Matt would tell her what was going on with him, " Hey, Matty. You okay? "

" Wow, " Matt chuckles as he glances over at Sage, amusement clear in his voice. " I haven't heard anyone call me that since about a year ago. "

" It has been a year since we've seen each other, " Sage says as she looks up at the much taller man, " You okay? You looked upset when I was walking up here and spotted you. "

" I. . " Matt trails off, furrowing his eyebrows as he decides if he should tell Sage what he had seen while with Ashley. Sighing, Matt decides to tell her the truth. " I saw Emily and Mike looking like. . more than friends while I was looking through the binoculars and I just don't know what to think. "

Sage holds herself back from questioning Matt further, hoping that what Matt saw was just two ex's being friendly and not being more than friendly like what Matt believed he had seen. She only places a hand on Matt's arm, squeezing it as she spots Josh and Chris talking to each other in the distance.

" Maybe. . " Sage trails off as she tries to find the right words to say. " They were just saying hi, okay? It's been a while since they've seen each other too. Just keep that in mind if you decide to question Em or Mike. Em really likes you, Matt. I don't think she'd ruin that. "

Matt only nods and smiles at Sage in thanks, her words making his nervous mind calm slightly. Him and Emily had been doing good for the past few months, she wouldn't risk that. He watches Sage rush towards where Chris and Josh stood, greeting both of them with a hug. Sage had always been the one to lighten the mood if anything happend in their friend group, that was just how she was.

" Hey! " Sage beams, her mood increasing significantly as she pulls away from hugging Chris to hug Josh. She pulls away quickly, smiling up at her best friend as a greeting as she stood with the two.

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