Rye Beaumont

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⚠️ smut warning ⚠️

You and Rye on the way home from what was meant to be a 'good night' out in town, but it took a slight turn. You knew he was pissed because some guy had started flirting with you while getting drinks. You tried calming him down at the club but it only made it worse.

You both left the club in slience, Rye walking few feet in front of you. As you got to the car you could see Rye's anger hadnt supsided, as you seen his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel to hard.

"Babe.. are you okay?" you asked, looking at him. As he pulled away from the curb.

With no reply, not even look from him you turned towards the window with a tear slowly falling down you cheek, you wipe it away.

The car ride back to the apartment was silent.

You got out the car first slightly slamming the car door and walking fast to the apartment door and unlocking it, not long after Rye walked in slamming the door behind him. He starts approching you, and panic started to set in.

Unexpectedly, Rye pushes you against the wall, this came as a surprise to you, but now you couldn't wait.
He pressed his lips against yours, you could smell the Whiskey on his breath, and could slightly taste it.
He held your hands above you head, tightly, making sure you couldn't move. He let one of his hands drop and it started roam your body stopping at the waistband of your skirt, he releases your hands and walks away.

You let out a breath you didnt know that you had been holding. You look towards where Rye had started walking,you see him in your bedroom naked, walking towards the ensuite. You start walking towards the bathroom, taking items of your clothes off as you walk, leaving a trail behind you.

Entering the bathroom you see Rye standing under the shower, the cravings for his touch intensifies, you open the shower door and step in.

"Took your time..." Rye says with a husky voice, pinning your body to the cold tiles, as the steam of the hot water surrounded you both.

His lips brushed against your ear, as he lowers his head to plant a kiss just below your ear, sending a shiver up your spine.
His lips now planted on your neck, sucking slow and rough, your hands start exploring his body, as his touch is making you go insane.

A smirk crawls onto his lips knowing the impacts of his actions, as he pulls youaway from the wall. Grabbing you by your thighs, lifting you up, you are confused for only a few seconds until you felt him inside you.

"mmh, R..ye" you moan, as he didnt give you time to adjust, as he pressed you back against the cold wall again.

"You're so fucking perfect," He mumbles ashe thrust into you, "Fuck!"

You arch your back against the wall not having enough strength to handle this amount of pleasure he is giving you.

"Oo-oh fuck, Rye!" you say louder than expected, as he hits a spot that drove you nuts

Sorry this was so long, I wasnt expecting to write this much...

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