Brooklyn Wyatt

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"We are done!" you scream as you slam the door shut.

You and Brook had been together for well over 3 years now. You both had been fighting a lot more recently, but this one was the icing on the cake.

As the door slammed shut behind you, walking towards the stairs, Jack standing at his door watching you walk away for the third time this month.

"y/n" he says quietly, you stop turn around and slowly walk back up the few steps you went down. Once you get to the top you look to Jack who's leaning against the door, and sigh. Looking anywhere but Jacks eyes because you know as soon as you make eye contact that's when you will breakdown.

A few minutes of silence pass and Jack hasn't said anything, he just turned into his room with the door left open. Head hung low you slowly follow Jack.

Closing the door behind you tears start slipping down your cheeks, sliding down the door burying your head into your knees. Jack had done this before and you knew he wasn't going to bother you until you were ready.

It had been a good few hours since you walked into Jack's room, now sitting next to Jack in the couch watching him play his games. You both heard things been thrown and things being smashed in yours and Brooks room.

"I'm going to go talk to him" he states with a weak smile, as he gets up from the couch.
You watch as Jack disappears out the door hearing the click of the door, you turn back towards the tv with tears filling your eyes.

"Everything will be fine" you whisper to yourself.


You wake up a little confused as you have no recollection of falling asleep. You lay on the couch looking at the bare ceiling remembering eveyrthing you had said to Brook only hours earlier and tears pricked your eyes. Two hours have passed and sleep hadnt fallen upon you again, you stand up, wiping your face with your hands and quietly leave Jack's room without waking him, closing his door behind you.

Whitenoise falls upon your ears and ou sigh making your way downstair to the kitchen. Once down there you sit in the dark with a hot chocolate you had made minutes before, with your thoughts eating you alive. You placed your head on the table, when you hear the creaking of the stairs you look up to see the outline of a figure in the doorway.

"y/n...?" they question in a husky voice, you knew that voice from anywhere.

"b..brook?" you respond stuttering, as he came and sat at the table with you, taking your hand in his making circles on the back of your hand.

"I'm sorry baby.. I didnt mean what I said, I..i. I dont want to lose you, or us." he speaks low with his voice cracking.

You pull your hand away from him, walking over to him you throw your arms around his neck and rest your head in the crook of his neck and tears flow from your eyes. With the silent sound of you sobbing, Brook pulls you to his lap and rubs his hand up and down your back, and nothing more was said.

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