Jack Duff

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It had been a long 24 hour flight to finally meet the boy you had been face-timing and messaging for the last two years. Finally being able to met your best friend and boyfriend after two years was the best feeling ever. Nervous and excited weren't the words you would use to describe what you are currently feeling getting off the plane.

You are walking through baggage claim when you see him eyes locked to his and a massive smile spread across your face, tears started filling your eyes, as you ran to him. You have both been waiting for this moment for so long and it was finally happening, standing holding each other not wanting this moment to end. You finally let go of him and look into his eyes,

"hey" you say, massive smile on your face.

"hi, let's get you bags and go" Jack replies

TIME SKIP (because i'm lazy)

Laying on the porch swing looking at the night sky with a Jack, the breeze having a little chill to it. Your head resting against his shoulder and his arms circled around your torso with his head lightly against yours. Jack humming a song while watching the night sky, this was how you wanted to spend the rest of your life... with him.


Sorry it's so short, not the best i've written, and has been months since i uploaded, i honestly have no excuse other than me being lazy (also severely sleep deprived)

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