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1:09 a.m.

"A mistake"

Nya (=^ • ^=): h-hewwo is anybody thewe???

This is America: *cave slowly begins to fill with water*

Nya (=^ • ^=): h-hewwo pwease somebody hewp me h-ewwo!!

This is America: *u can feel the surface of the water barely lapping at u*

Nya (=^ • ^=): nononono hewwo!! hewwo!! hewp me

That other Russia: God wwest youw soul~

Nya (=^ • ^=): hewwo! ma'am why awe you doing this to me hewwo!! hewp me pwease

This is America has send *judging_obama.png*

Nya (=^ • ^=): m-mr obama is that you hewwo! pwease hewp me i seem to be in a wittle bit of twubble mr obama hewwo h-hewwo

This is America has send *judging_obama.png*

Nya (=^ • ^=): @( O x O )@

Nya (=^ • ^=): pwease mr obama pwease save me i downt wanna die

Nya (=^ • ^=): h-hewwo mr obama awe you still thewe???

This is America has send *judging_obama.png*

Nya (=^ • ^=): m-mr obama pwease im drowning h-hewwo im scawed

Nya (=^ • ^=): ill do anything fow you mr obama pwease hewp

This is America: anything?

Nya (=^ • ^=): anything for you mr obama :3

This is America: then perish

This is America has send *judging_obama_eyes.png*

Nya (=^ • ^=): D:

That other Russia: This stupid exchange between friends will become a cultural icon one day.

That other Russia: I'll make sure of it~

Deutschland: You better delete that or we'll have ourselves a happy little accident.

7:36 p.m.

"A mistake"

Maple Syrup Fetish: soooooo,

Maple Syrup Fetish:  i wanted to look up hamster furniture because i remember seeing hamster sized couches at petsmart. 

Maple Syrup Fetish: i don't remember what i googled exactly but i got casting couch vids from xhamster.

A mistake [A Countryhumans Chat-fic]Where stories live. Discover now